Sensuality pertains to experiencing life through all our senses, in our physical bodies. It's a privilege for us to be able to experience life this way on Mother Earth, where Nature herself is so beautifully sensual. Unfortunately for so many of us, our upbringing not only discouraged us from feeling the pleasures of life, but made pleasures something to avoid if we didn't want our souls to be condemned. The authorities distorted something divinely created into something related … [Read more...]
Your unique path is so sacred and needed…
In this day and age, it's so easy for people to judge a person's path as either being a spiritual one or a less spiritual one. People have preconceived ideas of what a person's life, job or work has to look like to qualify as being "spiritual" (based on perception). However, we're all spiritual beings by nature. Every part of us is a journey to experiencing more of our divinity in its infinite aspects. We can't have rainbows with just one colour - every aspect of us and experience is … [Read more...]
Instead of feeling anger, let it fuel you!…
Anger is such a strong and potent emotion. When we feel anger towards another, it's like sending daggers of energy, laser-focused and tangible. When two people have been fighting in a room, or when there's been war on a specific space of land, we immediately feel it in our own energy bodies. It doesn't feel good to us. Imagine the power of using this anger energy in a beneficial way instead of a harmful or destructive way... I was hiking one of my favourite trails today by … [Read more...]
Dragons have much to teach us…
Like so many other animals considered to be solely mythical, dragons are usually dismissed to the realm of "fantasy". Most of us are familiar with dragons through story books, movies, images and legends. Very few people however, will consider that they actually exist, and even less will acknowledge that they do. So much of the realm of Nature has been dissected into parts, de-sanctified, destroyed and reduced to "things" by modern society. This has caused far-reaching, … [Read more...]
Feathers instead of bear poop…
I've learned from decades of experience, that our sacred hearts have infinite wisdom and their guidance is always for our highest good. Even when we feel guided into something that might bring up fears in some form, there's always a brilliant gem waiting to reveal itself, if we have the courage to follow through with this higher guidance. Trust in ourselves and in the divinity of life, is the key that enables us to follow this source of higher guidance. Yesterday evening I … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Divine timing... There IS such a thing as divinely perfect timing, regardless who we are or what our paths require of us... No matter how impatient we might feel at times, having that higher awareness and wisdom from experience allows us to enjoy the journey that much more... We just know when we've reached that divine timing because things just fall into place with the least amount of effort. We just have to trust and go with the flow... Just like these beautiful nestlings in … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Animal Spirit Guides... Raven was with me again, through another snow storm!... Whether we're aware of it or not, Spirit is always supporting us on our paths in various ways... One of them is through Spirit Guides. Since we're all familiar with animals and we have an affinity for them, Spirit Guides often show up as these wise beings, either physically or through images, words, symbols, etc. These Spirit Guides offer us wise teachings. They reflect aspects of ourselves and our paths … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Blissful BEing... At this time of the year especially, it's easy for people to burn out with the festivities... not to mention that lifestyles in general also demand that people do, do, do... and do some more... Taking a "time out" to simply BE... even if it's only 5 minutes, to simply focus on breathing and giving your mind a break, creates a shift in perspective, in energy, in space, allowing for greater awareness and possibilities to come into play... Nature demonstrates the dynamics … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Tree Beings, including the "Wise Ones"... While I greatly love ALL trees... when I encounter the "Wise Ones" that are so ancient compared with the lifespan of humans, I'm always left in awe... their energy is so tangible and vast... When we think about all the stories they hold from ages past... This one I'm hugging in the photograph is "Gog" near Glastonbury, UK... "Magog" also stands proudly beside it... Both are ancient Oak beings and are related with the legends of King … [Read more...]