
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Animal Spirit Guides…

Raven was with me again, through another snow storm!…

Whether we’re aware of it or not, Spirit is always supporting us on our paths in various ways… One of them is through Spirit Guides. Since we’re all familiar with animals and we have an affinity for them, Spirit Guides often show up as these wise beings, either physically or through images, words, symbols, etc.

These Spirit Guides offer us wise teachings. They reflect aspects of ourselves and our paths that give us a greater awareness to guide us. Some journey with us our entire lives, as guardians and wise companions, while others show up during specific times to guide us during particular phases of our personal evolution. They’re easily recognizable for they suddenly show up repeatedly in various ways, or might show up three times within a very short period of time. When they show up to work with us, they make sure we take notice.

Raven showed up in my life as a dear Spirit Guide over a year ago during a very intense period of my life and still journeys with me as my path intensely evolves. Interestingly, I’ve noticed that every time I’ve ended up travelling through a storm (metaphorically and physically), Raven is present in great numbers! Today was no exception… I drove 3 hours in a snow storm and Raven was everywhere along my journey in greater numbers than I’ve ever seen! It seemed so playful and purposeful, flying in the strong wind, swooping, doing acrobats in the air, flying along my car or crossing ahead of me…

I love its magickal presence. Raven always reassures me that all is well and there’s more going on behind the scenes than I can possibly imagine!… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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