By nature, people generally don't get excited about spending a rainy day outdoors - especially if there's wind included! However, there are definitely benefits to doing just that (as long as you dress up accordingly so you don't get cold). Early evening as the sun was setting today, I went for my daily Nature hike in one of my favourite trails near Anchorage, Alaska. The weather has been so mild these past couple of weeks that all the snow has disappeared. It was rainy and windy, with … [Read more...]
The unexpected gift of an urban tree…
When we live from the heart, we have a higher appreciation ability. This greatly enhances all our experiences of life. Even when certain circumstances might not seem favourable, we're able to receive the gem within them or that emerges from them. Life is no longer just a series of "good" or "bad" experiences, but a journey of discoveries that teach us about ourselves, others and this amazing world we live in. Having an open heart allows us to make the most of any situation, so that … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Unexpected wonders... Our world is overflowing with divine wonders at all times... When we choose to perceive our world as though everything is experienced for the first time, every day feels like a gift and we're more receptive to noticing miracles, magick and wonders... When we walk with an open heart, the world around us responds and we receive treasured moments and connections that would have been missed otherwise... When I was visiting a sacred Navajo canyon in Arizona, I … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Even small and subtle is powerful... When we live from a place of loving appreciation, our world expands to include even the smallest and most subtle things that usually go unnoticed, that can make all the difference in our day and for others... The glistening dewdrop of rainbow colours on a blade of grass... a kind word... an intricate little snowflake that lands on your mitten... a warm, loving smile... a tiny feather dancing in the breeze... love shining through eye contact... a small … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Blissful BEing... At this time of the year especially, it's easy for people to burn out with the festivities... not to mention that lifestyles in general also demand that people do, do, do... and do some more... Taking a "time out" to simply BE... even if it's only 5 minutes, to simply focus on breathing and giving your mind a break, creates a shift in perspective, in energy, in space, allowing for greater awareness and possibilities to come into play... Nature demonstrates the dynamics … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Delightful surprises of Nature!... It's so easy to overlook things in our environment that we get used to seeing. We might see the same species of birds, mammals, trees or plants and not really notice them anymore, since they're no longer a novelty... I tend to do that in urban areas, but when I'm out in Nature, I always see things with wonder - as if seeing them for the first time. Even if I've seen Chickadees, Oak trees or Squirrels hundreds of times, I still delight in every one I … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Glorious perspectives make all the difference... I woke up and it looks like I'm in a "snow globe"... snow falling everywhere and all around from the clouds onto the snowy landscape... and so much of it!... As I watched the wind playing with the feather-like clumps of snowflakes, all I could think of was... WOW... what and ABUNDANCE of MIRACLES is falling onto Earth here today!... When you think that every single snowflake is a magnificent little miracle in itself... that's a LOT of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sense of wonder... I have no doubt in my mind (and heart) that animals have just as much a sense of wonder and beauty as we do... I've seen many different species looking at beautiful sunsets, just gazing without moving,... simply fully in the moment, looking mesmerized... I've seen many different species looking up at the brilliantly shining moon and sing or howl for no apparent reason except to express awe... I've seen many different species leisurely walk through a meadow of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... It's always a matter of perspective. The call of a raven might sound beautiful to one, and sound aweful to another. The appearance of a tree frog on a window might be cute to one, and be repulsive to another. The sensation of the wind on one's skin might feel delightful to one, and uncomfortable to another. We always choose how we experience our world through our personal perspective - and it's very individual. As an example, I'm featuring the … [Read more...]