
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Unexpected wonders…

Our world is overflowing with divine wonders at all times…

When we choose to perceive our world as though everything is experienced for the first time, every day feels like a gift and we’re more receptive to noticing miracles, magick and wonders…

When we walk with an open heart, the world around us responds and we receive treasured moments and connections that would have been missed otherwise…

When I was visiting a sacred Navajo canyon in Arizona, I walked slightly apart from the small group, quietly observing and feeling my glorious surroundings…

Suddenly, our guide quietly motioned to me to look up, and there, perched so regally was Great-Horned Owl… a beloved ‘power animal’ of mine…! I never would have imagined being in its presence in such an arid environment, yet there it was, silently observing me… It felt like such a sacred moment of honour and connection…

You just never know who’s waiting to connect with you… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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