
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…

It’s always a matter of perspective.

The call of a raven might sound beautiful to one, and sound aweful to another. The appearance of a tree frog on a window might be cute to one, and be repulsive to another. The sensation of the wind on one’s skin might feel delightful to one, and uncomfortable to another.

We always choose how we experience our world through our personal perspective – and it’s very individual.

As an example, I’m featuring the vulture…

I know that many cringe at the sight of this raptor, associating it with death and less than appealing eating habits… However, for many Native American tribes, this large bird is called a “peace eagle”. They refer to it as a peace eagle because it doesn’t kill for its food. Instead, it soars gracefully in the sky looking for dead animals to feed on. By feeding on the dead, it actually prevents disease from spreading and keeps our environments clean. They’re such graceful flyers, soaring in circles for hours on thermals (hot air currents that rise up from the ground).

The one featured in the photograph is the turkey vulture species. All vultures have a very noble role in our world and I personally find them beautiful… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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