Sensuality pertains to experiencing life through all our senses, in our physical bodies. It's a privilege for us to be able to experience life this way on Mother Earth, where Nature herself is so beautifully sensual. Unfortunately for so many of us, our upbringing not only discouraged us from feeling the pleasures of life, but made pleasures something to avoid if we didn't want our souls to be condemned. The authorities distorted something divinely created into something related … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Unexpected wonders... Our world is overflowing with divine wonders at all times... When we choose to perceive our world as though everything is experienced for the first time, every day feels like a gift and we're more receptive to noticing miracles, magick and wonders... When we walk with an open heart, the world around us responds and we receive treasured moments and connections that would have been missed otherwise... When I was visiting a sacred Navajo canyon in Arizona, I … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Luna and Gaia's intimate relationship... Every few days and nights around and on a Full Moon, I feel the energy intensely... Here on the celestial body of Mother Earth, we're affected by all other celestial bodies, especially in our solar system. We're not an Earth "bubble" separate from everything else in our glorious universe... We're all so connected and the most obvious example is closest to our home of Gaia... Since the Moon began its orbit around Earth, these two have had an … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... It's always a matter of perspective. The call of a raven might sound beautiful to one, and sound aweful to another. The appearance of a tree frog on a window might be cute to one, and be repulsive to another. The sensation of the wind on one's skin might feel delightful to one, and uncomfortable to another. We always choose how we experience our world through our personal perspective - and it's very individual. As an example, I'm featuring the … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our sacred garden in the universe... I just spent some time star-gazing... it's a cool and calm night with a crystal clear sky... so perfect, it's amazing that it's All Soul's Night and no snow... The stars, planets and Milky Way are so brilliant, it simply leaves me in absolute awe... So many things are just impossible to describe... not even photographs or words can capture how much those experiences move us at the level of our hearts and souls... We feel it within... Gazing up at … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
There's always more to something than meets the eye... When I captured this glorious image of Sky and Earth elements unified (setting Sun shining through Trees), the light was split and revealed beautiful sacred geometry, orbs and light splendour! I love to see things not just with my eyes but also with my other senses... a shift of perspective can reveal a whole new experience... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Infinite possibilities... At every dawn, whether sunrise or every symbolic dawns of life, infinite possibilities await us... Every decision we make invites different possibilities to manifest... As the sun was rising this morning, glorious colours painted the clouds and sky, with a large flock of crows gathering nearby... Magick is in the air... full of possibilities... it's always there if we choose to experience it... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The ever-changing sky... when we look up, we never know what we'll see... or experience!... I had an interesting experience a few days ago... I was waiting outside in a public place on the island of Hawai'i, and since my surroundings weren't very interesting, I gazed up at the sky above me. There were many puffy white clouds dancing in the bright blue sky, changing forms and merging and separating... Different birds flew across my field of vision... The sun's rays played with the … [Read more...]
Treasures are found in the most unexpected places... I love that no matter where we are, there are always treasures to be found... it's all a matter of how we view our world. Whether in beings, things or experiences, there's always something precious that can be discovered. This photo is of a lava stone on a beach at Kealakekua Bay. It sparkles with a crystal known as olivine (or peridot when it's considered gem quality). It's so amazing to see these green crystals in so much of the … [Read more...]