Our world is changing in more ways than we can perceive. Mother Earth has had enough of the abuse, the lack of reverence and respect, the domination mentality that is only self-serving, the greed without regard for how it negatively affects the greater whole... This affects each of us on a personal level for we're intimately connected to our beautiful Gaia. There's a deep awakening emerging within souls everywhere. Many will choose to keep ignoring the call of their hearts … [Read more...]
Nature’s lesson about flow instead of resistance…
When we're attuned to Nature with awareness, we notice the natural cycles of life as they unfold. The moon, the sun, the plants, the animals... they all speak to us and notify us of change. When we know the nuances of different environments, we can even tell when seasons are transitioning to another, regardless what month the calendar might say. Nature is ever-changing and doesn't follow the linear time that humans have created. It simply goes through its cycles and every year and … [Read more...]
Dragons have much to teach us…
Like so many other animals considered to be solely mythical, dragons are usually dismissed to the realm of "fantasy". Most of us are familiar with dragons through story books, movies, images and legends. Very few people however, will consider that they actually exist, and even less will acknowledge that they do. So much of the realm of Nature has been dissected into parts, de-sanctified, destroyed and reduced to "things" by modern society. This has caused far-reaching, … [Read more...]
Rainbow-celebrating synchronicity…
Synchronicities and divinely timed signs are some of the most powerful manifestations on our paths. When we have the awareness to recognize them for what they are, they provide confirmation, guidance, encouragement and insights. They remind us that life is always fully aware of us and supporting us. We're all connected and never alone. We all have special signs that are part of our unique soul language. While they don't mean anything to others, they do mean something to us. One of my … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Mother Earth, our celestial HOME... Tomorrow, April 22nd is known officially as "Earth Day". It's a beautiful gesture to take the time to pause and celebrate our magnificent home in the solar system and universe for one day. I feel that if every day we took the time to appreciate our planet for all that she provides for us daily, which "Earth Day" brings into our awareness, things would be different in our world, in a good way. People who are more mindful of their roles as stewards … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Pure wonderment... Every moment there's something new to experience through our senses - the physical, common ones and the intuitive ones. No moment is ever exactly the same as another. Life keeps things interesting this way - change is natural! The secret to making the most of every moment is to be open with wonder - like children. To experience our inner and outer worlds as if every moment is for the first time. Instead of assuming we already know everything about something, by … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The gift of being divine Nature - who is calling you?... Yes, we as human beings are also very much Nature beings, however, for those immersed in urban environments, it's easy to lose perspective of this... Regardless, life is always communicating with us... It guides us every day, reminding us of who we are as individuals and as stewards of this glorious Mother Earth. It reflects back to us all the different aspects that make us who we uniquely are. It assists us by providing answers to … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Moments that make "time" stop and emphasize the magick and divinity of life... On the day of my birthday, March 14th, we were driving up and up in elevation through the glorious Yosemite Nat'l Park. We planned to go on a full hike, further than we'd been before in our beloved Mariposa Grove (where so many of the giant tree beings, like Giant Sequoias, Sugar Pines and Redwoods stand majestically throughout the forest)... Red-Tailed Hawk has been a dear power animal of mine since I left my … [Read more...]