Unexpected wonders... Our world is overflowing with divine wonders at all times... When we choose to perceive our world as though everything is experienced for the first time, every day feels like a gift and we're more receptive to noticing miracles, magick and wonders... When we walk with an open heart, the world around us responds and we receive treasured moments and connections that would have been missed otherwise... When I was visiting a sacred Navajo canyon in Arizona, I … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Even small and subtle is powerful... When we live from a place of loving appreciation, our world expands to include even the smallest and most subtle things that usually go unnoticed, that can make all the difference in our day and for others... The glistening dewdrop of rainbow colours on a blade of grass... a kind word... an intricate little snowflake that lands on your mitten... a warm, loving smile... a tiny feather dancing in the breeze... love shining through eye contact... a small … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Wildlife's incredible hardiness... In central Canada, we're experiencing the second coldest winter in 120 years...! I certainly believe it, from the absolutely freezing cold temperatures that have lingered for over a month now... For example, -31 C (with the wind it feels like -41 C). What truly amazes me is that regardless of this deep freeze, I still have the pleasure of seeing Ravens, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Chickadees and Redpolls (like the one in the photo) flying and calling through … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The splendour of crystals above and below... I've always loved and been fascinated by crystals... whether those that form below, within Mother Earth's nurturing body, or above on her beautiful surface... These treasures blossom under just the right, divinely orchestrated conditions, and produce countless varieties... Those below Earth's surface create every colour of the rainbow and beyond. They withstand extreme conditions such as immense pressure and heat that gift us their gloriously … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Animal Spirit Guides... Raven was with me again, through another snow storm!... Whether we're aware of it or not, Spirit is always supporting us on our paths in various ways... One of them is through Spirit Guides. Since we're all familiar with animals and we have an affinity for them, Spirit Guides often show up as these wise beings, either physically or through images, words, symbols, etc. These Spirit Guides offer us wise teachings. They reflect aspects of ourselves and our paths … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The power of inspiration... I don't know anyone who doesn't love the feeling of being truly inspired... What inspires each of us can be vastly different, yet the feeling is the same... a heightened sense of being filled with Spirit, life-force, well-being, wonder, motivation, creative flow... Really, it's something, like love, that words cannot describe - it's an experience... At this time of the year, between the Winter Solstice on December 21st and the beginning of the New Year, which … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Divinely created masterpieces... While everything created by the Divine is a glorious miracle that fills me with loving wonder and reverence, I discover particular creations at times that seem to burst with artistic joy!... When I first discovered this Green Darner dragonfly (in my former urban backyard of gardens)... I was in absolute awe!... Not only is its size of 4 inches from wing tip to wing tip very impressive, but the colour combinations are so striking and bedazzling! This one … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Unexpected delights of Nature... It always fills me with such great joy to have surprise encounters with wildlife in Nature and beyond... On yesterday's glorious Winter Solstice, after I drummed from my heart with so much love and appreciation to All, I went on a Nature hike and as I returned, I encountered these 2 beautiful woodpeckers that suddenly showed up!... The large one is a Pileated, and the small one is a Downy... I found it so significant that THESE are also drummers - … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The dance of the seasonal cycles... The Winter Solstice arrives at 11:11 am CST in the northern hemisphere in my time zone tomorrow, December 21st! Talk about an incredible portal opening up for the new season!... I will be limiting my time online tomorrow, to be fully present to that significant day. In celebration of the changing seasons I'm sharing a poem I wrote in 2010 for my first book "Mending Mother Earth with Native Plants". May the new season bring you more wonders, beauty and … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Life, such a gift... We're so blessed to experience life in our physical bodies, here on such a magnificent planet, Mother Earth... To experience everything through our multi-dimensional senses, beyond just our physical senses... what a gift we have here on Earth... When I was a child, I spent as much time as I could outdoors in Nature... I loved to explore, observe, experience life with all my senses... When I couldn't go outdoors, I would spend hours just looking at books filled with … [Read more...]