The ocean is such a mysterious, beautiful place... When I immerse myself in the wonderful blue, warm waters of the ocean, I'm surrounded by vast space and dancing sunlight... It's a completely different world than on land... It's being in the inner space of Mother Earth as opposed to the outer space of Father Sky... Yet, both are so tangible here, reminding us of our multi-dimensional nature... inner and outer spaces are the same... When the wild Dolphins choose to spend time with us, … [Read more...]
How I love owls!... a beautiful Spirit connection... The property where I lived for the past two years was truly a Divine gift. Throughout that time, whenever I needed a very special sign from Spirit about my journey, it would often manifest as a Great-Horned Owl feather during my Nature walks - always in different places of several square miles! I loved hearing them hoo-hoo-ing at dusk or during the night near the house I rented... Now on the Big Island of Hawai'i, I was delighted to find … [Read more...]
A master of flight and migration (especially for a butterfly!)... the glorious Monarch!... It's so significant to me, having appeared in truly incredible ways during highly transformative times throughout my life... What a Divine gift it has been to discover it here on the Big Island, when answering Hawaii's call has been a giant leap of faith!... I had no idea the Monarch exists beyond the North American continent!... I've been familiar with this gorgeous, big butterfly since my youth, as … [Read more...]
When you’re inspired… you inspire!…
I feel so inspired, I've been working on my book with a wonderfully continuous flow that mirrors the steady flow of rain pouring from the clouds... We're all like unique satellite receivers and transmitters, allowing for two-way inspiration to flow in and out of us,... receiving inspiration from Spirit through various means (including Nature, experiences, people...) and transmitting inspiration by being our radiant selves (the more we shine in what we do and who we are, the more we … [Read more...]
During another wonder-filled hike, I found a peacock feather on my path (and this wasn't a typical path... we were creating our own path)! I was informed by my dear companions that I'm the first to find a peacock feather on this acreage of land since they've lived in this area (nearing 2 years)!... Then... I later found in my inbox an e-newsletter that I rarely receive, titled "Being the change, embracing transformation and peacock medicine!" which was sent around the same time I found … [Read more...]
A delightful surprise blew in with the wind this morning as I was journalling...! I was quietly writing when I heard a rustling noise on the lanai... as I looked up I noticed a joyfully dancing seed in the breeze that suddenly flew up and stuck against the screen door!... I opened the door to have a closer look and smiled to find a heart shaped seed in the middle of the translucent paper-like "wings"! A gift from Nature and Spirit... so precious and confirming of my journey!... … [Read more...]
No photo could possibly convey the amazing-ness of yesterday's PERFECT moving day!... or my great appreciation to all who are supporting this new journey on my path... human and non! All week there was a big pond of snow-melt water on my driveway and mud. NOT ideal for a big diesel truck pulling a U-Haul trailer!... Then I woke up yesterday morning to a brightly shining day, no wind, balmy AND... the water had disappeared completely and the mud transformed to hard ground!... I was in awe... … [Read more...]
On this glorious New Moon, I went for a sunset hike in the still snowbound trails... I brought a special offering for this land and all beings living here, which I placed at the base of a big Balsam Fir I have a special connection with, with love and gratitude. As I walked back to the house, to my delightful surprise, I suddenly heard the call of a Great-Horned Owl!!!... Wow - I haven't heard its distinctive call since last September!... Being one of my Power Animals, who greeted me … [Read more...]
I'm SO in love and in awe with the Divinity of life!... it's so beautiful and supportive, beyond our senses!... truly! I've experienced it every day throughout my life!... Instead of meditating first thing this morning, I felt compelled to simply look outside at the glorious treed landscape that surrounds me, in quiet contemplation... I was musing about how all my life, I've been a "leaper" into the unknown... and every leap has been stretching me more and more to experience what I'm truly … [Read more...]
I feel sooooo TRULY BLESSED!... This perfect-for-me house and Nature property that I've called home for almost two years, were such a Divine miracle with Divine timing... I will always feel absolute awe and appreciation for how it all suddenly appeared in my life... AND... as if THAT wasn't enough of a miracle, I also received the most wonderful neighbours I could EVER have desired - one of my dearest Soul Sisters, Georgina, and her dear family, including their two beautiful daughters … [Read more...]