If you're someone who just doesn't feel fulfilled in your life (even if you have everything that should make you feel happy); or you feel like there has to be more to life than what you currently do or experience; or you feel stuck in some way and don't feel inspired with the life you live;... this video is especially for you!… Also, at times a reminder that this video's message brings to you, can give you an extra boost of courage; renew your determination or perseverance; or empower you to … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... It's always a matter of perspective. The call of a raven might sound beautiful to one, and sound aweful to another. The appearance of a tree frog on a window might be cute to one, and be repulsive to another. The sensation of the wind on one's skin might feel delightful to one, and uncomfortable to another. We always choose how we experience our world through our personal perspective - and it's very individual. As an example, I'm featuring the … [Read more...]
The beauty of our sacred work, regardless what it is... When we contribute to our world from our true essence, everything we do is priceless, more than we can imagine... It's different for each of us, and it's all invaluable. The vulture... I know that many cringe at the sight or thought of this raptor, associating it with death and less than appealing eating habits. However, for many Native American tribes, this large bird is called a "peace eagle". They refer to it as a peace … [Read more...]
There's something so awe-inspiring about birds of prey... I love all birds, and different types invoke different emotions within me. When I encounter a bird of prey (including Eagles, Owls, Hawks, Vultures, Falcons - especially the larger of their species), I am simply in awe... Masters of the skies as they soar and hunt in silence, and of sight with greater perspective... They exhibit prowess, grace and balance of life between Earth and Sky. They invoke in me a special kind of respect … [Read more...]