Storms... I've always loved the intense energy of storms, especially thunderstorms... All storms, in their natural state, have a sacred purpose and are necessary to Mother Earth's well-being (and ours)... They play the important role of stirring up stagnant, heavy energy by clearing, purifying, recreating and energizing the landscape. In Nature the environment (including the air) feels more vibrant after a storm... Populated areas make things more complicated, however when storms … [Read more...]
Abundance of delectable delights... I love savouring freshly picked foods from gardens... so vibrant with colours, scents, flavours, textures, energies... They make every cell of my body dance with pleasure and sing with appreciation to all who have contributed to creating these vibrant, nourishing foods... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Glorious light... We all feel invigorated by natural light - it reminds us of our own inner light,... that we are light ourselves. Light from the sun, light from fire, light from our eyes... it warms our hearts and touches our souls. It gives us life. It makes us feel vibrant and connected to all. Light is a visible expression of love energy... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Food that nourishes all our senses and soul too!... I've always been a slow eater by nature... I love to savour my food... see its beauty, smell its aromas, feel its textures, taste its flavours, receive its energy... When we consider that everything is energy, we become more mindful of what nourishes our body... and every body is unique, therefore, what nourishes ours might not nourish another the same way. Just like one genre of music might sound blissful to one, yet awful to … [Read more...]