We each have our own perspective, based on our personal experiences, unique bodies and way of being. So many people get into such heated arguments about who's right and who's wrong, because they don't understand that each one of us experiences life differently. A thousand people could watch a symphony outdoors and if you asked each one about their experience, they would all be different. While the music might have captivated everyone, details about the experience would be unique to each … [Read more...]
We’re all divinely created geniuses…
When we look at the ancient science of astrology, we clearly see that we are all different from each other and not meant to "fit in" - at all. We were in fact, divinely designed this way with purpose. We are meant to stand out in the way that only we can - with our unique skills, talents, experiences, perspectives, gifts, characteristics, personalities, zones of genius and quirks! One of my favourite quotes from Albert Einstein is the following: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our beautiful, divine essences... Do you know what your true self feels and looks like? If you suddenly found yourself in a location that makes you feel your absolute best, with no one around to judge you (and no self-judgment), with COMPLETE freedom to be who you TRULY are at your heart and soul... what would you do, who would you be and how would you feel?... When we spend time doing the things that really, fully resonate with our hearts, we express our true nature. When we spend … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Inner knowing... Within our sacred hearts, we all know our own paths and what's aligned with our unique journeys... It doesn't look like anyone else's and it's not the easiest path to take... However, it's always fulfilling in the most profound ways... Nature teaches us this is no many ways... When we have the courage and determination to do what we know we must, regardless of what that might look like, we create sacred space for ourselves to fully grow into our highest potential … [Read more...]
Fascinatingly rare and 'weird' wonders of our world... While admiring multiple varieties of mushrooms in a particular trail, I was amazed to discover that an entire patch of the bordering forest was sheltering the most unusal flowers I have ever seen or heard of yet - at first glance they looked like mushrooms (since I saw the white ones first). Known as the "ghost plant" or "Indian pipe", it has no need for light to grow - it has no chlorophyll. It behaves like a mushroom, yet it's a … [Read more...]
In celebration of Canada Day... My natal country Canada is so vast and gloriously diverse with every ecosystem, weather and temperature possible!... Sending love and appreciation from the middle of the Pacific Ocean to Canada's inhabitants of all races and kingdoms - human, animal, plant, stone, water, etc... ♥ (this photo was taken from an island on Lake of the Woods near Kenora, Ontario) With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Food that nourishes all our senses and soul too!... I've always been a slow eater by nature... I love to savour my food... see its beauty, smell its aromas, feel its textures, taste its flavours, receive its energy... When we consider that everything is energy, we become more mindful of what nourishes our body... and every body is unique, therefore, what nourishes ours might not nourish another the same way. Just like one genre of music might sound blissful to one, yet awful to … [Read more...]
Every day is a new masterpiece waiting to manifest and be experienced with our world... Each day is different, regardless if we have the same routines... There is always something new to discover, to savour, to experience, to learn, to appreciate... nothing is exactly the same... Even the sunsets... They might appear the same to those who live where the sky is clear on a regular basis... but even without the clouds that change the sunsets' colours and qualities every day... if we tune in … [Read more...]
I so LOVE sharing the wonders of our world with you... and there's always new ones to discover and share!... These two natural phenomenons were previously unknown to me until I saw photographs in art galleries and on postcards (like the ones I'm sharing in the photograph) found in Kona, Hawai'i. This particular tornado on the postcard was formed by Kilauea volcanic lava entering the ocean and creating its own weather system on the island of Hawai'i. I even saw a photograph in a gallery … [Read more...]