Living your truth is your birthright. Each one of us, while part of the greater whole, is also an individual with a unique gift to contribute to this world in the form of our truth. Your truth includes your divine essence, what you stand for, your beliefs, your non-negotiable values and your morals. When you clearly know your truth, it influences your choices, intentions and actions. When you do so from a heart-centered space, it's more powerful than you can imagine. Many institutions, … [Read more...]
Adversity reveals hidden gifts…
When we're faced with what seems like adversity, it can be difficult to see any possible gifts within the situation! We feel like we've been catapulted outside of our comfort or security zones and we have no idea what the outcome will look like. It can test us on all levels and make us question everything. It's not easy to recognize that within the chaos, there is a reward - or many. What a reward looks like is unique to each of us, depending on our personal path. We all have … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Animal Spirit Guides... Raven was with me again, through another snow storm!... Whether we're aware of it or not, Spirit is always supporting us on our paths in various ways... One of them is through Spirit Guides. Since we're all familiar with animals and we have an affinity for them, Spirit Guides often show up as these wise beings, either physically or through images, words, symbols, etc. These Spirit Guides offer us wise teachings. They reflect aspects of ourselves and our paths … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Being a trail blazer (knowingly AND unknowingly!)... Being a trail blazer requires that we create and follow our own paths, led by our hearts and passion for what we value... We just never know when we live our truth who we might become a trail blazer for... making the path for another easier because we were willing to be the first to go where no one has gone before... I had a delightful surprise today when I went hiking in forest trails. I had to make my own tracks yesterday after … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Storms... I've always loved the intense energy of storms, especially thunderstorms... All storms, in their natural state, have a sacred purpose and are necessary to Mother Earth's well-being (and ours)... They play the important role of stirring up stagnant, heavy energy by clearing, purifying, recreating and energizing the landscape. In Nature the environment (including the air) feels more vibrant after a storm... Populated areas make things more complicated, however when storms … [Read more...]
Our ever-changing Sky... I'm always as aware of what's going on above me as around me. Our sky is so dynamic with ever-changing colours created by the sun (sunrises, sunsets, rainbows, aurora borealis), clouds, flying animals and objects, storms, winds, stars, planets, moon... A lot of people seem surprised to find me observing the sky when they notice me doing so... they expect to see something amazing since I'm looking up!... I find our sky extraordinary as it is, at all times, … [Read more...]
Awe-inspiring manifestations of Nature... There's always so many wonders to behold, and they are so visible in our natural world... Sometimes they are so diminutive and intricate that we have to be fully present and still to notice them. Sometimes they're so majestic and grand that we're captivated by these wonders that make us pause and simply be in that moment. Today I'm experiencing another glorious thunderstorm. This one is blessing us with an abundance of much needed … [Read more...]
Storms... the dance of multiple Elements co-creates massive energy... I've always found Storms intensely beautiful. They're the epitome of many coming together to create a powerful result with purpose. The power of a Storm is immense. Imagine if we all came together with an intention to co-create a world that benefits everyone... our energy, multiplied, effects change when it is focused. It cannot be deviated. It's like lightning in its radiance and precision. When we all realize … [Read more...]