Synchronicities and divinely timed signs are some of the most powerful manifestations on our paths. When we have the awareness to recognize them for what they are, they provide confirmation, guidance, encouragement and insights. They remind us that life is always fully aware of us and supporting us. We're all connected and never alone. We all have special signs that are part of our unique soul language. While they don't mean anything to others, they do mean something to us. One of my … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our beautiful, divine essences... Do you know what your true self feels and looks like? If you suddenly found yourself in a location that makes you feel your absolute best, with no one around to judge you (and no self-judgment), with COMPLETE freedom to be who you TRULY are at your heart and soul... what would you do, who would you be and how would you feel?... When we spend time doing the things that really, fully resonate with our hearts, we express our true nature. When we spend … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The beauty of mini wildlife!... I've always been one to notice the tiny wildlife among us, as much as the more noticeable larger wildlife. I find them all so endearing and fascinating. Magickal beauty of SNAILS The collection of photos I'm sharing with you is all SNAILS and they are absolutely magnificent and mesmerizing! What a celebration of those tiny little beings!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Pure wonderment... Every moment there's something new to experience through our senses - the physical, common ones and the intuitive ones. No moment is ever exactly the same as another. Life keeps things interesting this way - change is natural! The secret to making the most of every moment is to be open with wonder - like children. To experience our inner and outer worlds as if every moment is for the first time. Instead of assuming we already know everything about something, by … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Moments that make "time" stop and emphasize the magick and divinity of life... On the day of my birthday, March 14th, we were driving up and up in elevation through the glorious Yosemite Nat'l Park. We planned to go on a full hike, further than we'd been before in our beloved Mariposa Grove (where so many of the giant tree beings, like Giant Sequoias, Sugar Pines and Redwoods stand majestically throughout the forest)... Red-Tailed Hawk has been a dear power animal of mine since I left my … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Inner knowing... Within our sacred hearts, we all know our own paths and what's aligned with our unique journeys... It doesn't look like anyone else's and it's not the easiest path to take... However, it's always fulfilling in the most profound ways... Nature teaches us this is no many ways... When we have the courage and determination to do what we know we must, regardless of what that might look like, we create sacred space for ourselves to fully grow into our highest potential … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
An entire grove resides in the palm of my hand!... When I was hiking through the Mariposa Grove in Yosemite National Park (California, USA), and encountered some of the oldest and largest Tree Beings in the world... I was left in absolute AWE to see how SMALL their pinecones are!!!... I've seen all types of pinecones, and just assumed that they were proportionate to the size of the tree... smaller trees have smaller pinecones and bigger ones produce big pinecones... Well, Nature never … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The season dances into a new one today!... For those of us in the northern hemisphere, Spring officially arrives today... for those of the southern hemisphere, Autumn officially arrives today... I wish you a wonderful Equinox wherever you are! For me, it felt like Spring arrived on March 3rd when I landed in California and experienced the glorious landscape and wildlife (including the song of robins by day and frogs by night) in the Yosemite Nat'l Park area where I was for 2 glorious … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Magickal New Moon Day to you!... ((( ))) I felt this would be the perfect day to announce that starting Monday, I'm taking the next 2 weeks completely OFF from computers and phones (yes!) and fully immersing myself in Nature at Yosemite Nat'l Park to connect with the pristine forests of Redwoods, Giant Sequoias and other natural wonders there! It's going to be soooo DIVINE!... It's now time for me to fully recharge so I'll be ready for my book's launch. Since I can't give a date yet, I'm … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Life bursts forth!... Regardless of anything... life always prevails in the most miraculous ways!... and today I was reminded of this once again... During my Nature hike today, it felt SO NICE to not have to wear a scarf around my face, and to experience a day that feels more like Spring than Winter!... As I walked through the snowbound trails, I noticed the most amazing surprise... Despite having experienced the coldest Winter season in 100 years (with incessant storms every few … [Read more...]