Food that nourishes all our senses and soul too!... I've always been a slow eater by nature... I love to savour my food... see its beauty, smell its aromas, feel its textures, taste its flavours, receive its energy... When we consider that everything is energy, we become more mindful of what nourishes our body... and every body is unique, therefore, what nourishes ours might not nourish another the same way. Just like one genre of music might sound blissful to one, yet awful to … [Read more...]
April 19, 2013 by Leave a Comment
It's just soooo incredible and wonder-full to be able to experience a cold, snowy, bare-tree landscape in the morning, and by evening to experience a hot, colourful landscape filled with singing birds and frogs! Oh how my senses are just BURSTING with WOW-ness after 5 months of freezing winter weather... now in the middle of a floral paradise with blossoms of so many sizes, shapes, colours, scents and of course their companion pollinators of all sorts of butterflies and bees! I feel SO … [Read more...]