Ah, the eternal "battle" of our logical minds!... It's so easy to dismiss anything that our logical minds can't explain, as being mere imagination or superstition, or to analyse phenomenons with scientific explanations and conclude that certain things are "impossible". It's what most of us have been taught to do - automatically. However, when we do that, we completely disregard our multidimensional, true nature! Instead of seeing ourselves and our world as multiple forms of visible and … [Read more...]
Dragons have much to teach us…
Like so many other animals considered to be solely mythical, dragons are usually dismissed to the realm of "fantasy". Most of us are familiar with dragons through story books, movies, images and legends. Very few people however, will consider that they actually exist, and even less will acknowledge that they do. So much of the realm of Nature has been dissected into parts, de-sanctified, destroyed and reduced to "things" by modern society. This has caused far-reaching, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our multi-dimensional world... So much beauty and wonders exist beyond what we normally perceive in this physical dimension... We can perceive it with our many other senses - the intuitive, spiritual senses of sight, hearing, feeling, knowing, etc... Once in a while though, our technology captures things that our physical sight didn't notice, and while our logical minds quickly dismiss these captured wonders as mere light reflections or other explanation... we just KNOW that it … [Read more...]