Magnificent, long-distance-migrating butterfly... The gorgeous Monarch butterfly happens to be a master of flight and gliding... The eastern populations of southern Canada have begun their long migration south to central Mexico where they will overwinter until late February!... Migrations are incredible in themselves, never mind by a butterfly... What's even more amazing about these butterflies is that the generation that flies south in Autumn have never even been to the overwintering … [Read more...]
There's something so awe-inspiring about birds of prey... I love all birds, and different types invoke different emotions within me. When I encounter a bird of prey (including Eagles, Owls, Hawks, Vultures, Falcons - especially the larger of their species), I am simply in awe... Masters of the skies as they soar and hunt in silence, and of sight with greater perspective... They exhibit prowess, grace and balance of life between Earth and Sky. They invoke in me a special kind of respect … [Read more...]
A master of flight and migration (especially for a butterfly!)... the glorious Monarch!... It's so significant to me, having appeared in truly incredible ways during highly transformative times throughout my life... What a Divine gift it has been to discover it here on the Big Island, when answering Hawaii's call has been a giant leap of faith!... I had no idea the Monarch exists beyond the North American continent!... I've been familiar with this gorgeous, big butterfly since my youth, as … [Read more...]