
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Journeys into the unknown... As I watched this glorious Samhain sunset this evening, an enormous flock of Canada geese were flying in a long 'V' formation, southbound... They have begun their long migration to warmer locations in the southern U.S. or further... They don't let the unknowns of this incredible journey stop them... They just know when it's time to follow their calling and they go for it, using what they have... their own inner navigation system and wings!... ♥ (I … [Read more...]

♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Sacred seeds that become life as we know it... It's truly amazing-beyond-words to think that such small seeds, from the microscopic to the ping-pong ball sized, contain everything to become magnificent trees, vibrant plants, diverse animals, complex human beings... Truly one of life's greatest magick and miracles... ♥   With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]


Little miracles with big impacts... size doesn't matter! Some require an open mind and wonder for everything in existence to be fully appreciated… I’ve always seen the world with awe, and notice even the tiniest or most subtle things… When I lived at my last home for 2 years, I noticed this most peculiar, itty bitty winged being that suddenly showed up one day… I’d never seen one like that before and unless there was more than one, it had a surprising longevity!… Although it’s like a … [Read more...]


Infinite possibilities... At every dawn, whether sunrise or every symbolic dawns of life, infinite possibilities await us... Every decision we make invites different possibilities to manifest... As the sun was rising this morning, glorious colours painted the clouds and sky, with a large flock of crows gathering nearby... Magick is in the air... full of possibilities... it's always there if we choose to experience it... ♥   With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]


Heart desires manifest in the most amazing ways!... Yesterday evening as I worked on my book outside on the open air deck, one of my dear brothers visiting out of province with his family gifted me a little feather that he found on the ground. Everyone who knows me well knows how special feathers are to me. ... I stayed out late since it was hot and humid (my kind of weather!) and also extremely windy (so no mosquitoes!). As I gathered my things to go indoors, the wind suddenly gusted and … [Read more...]

Embracing change is a wonderful thing!…

Change is not only normal in Nature but necessary for the well-being of any ecosystem, including our personal one. Observing Nature, we notice the different rhythms and cycles that keep the energy flowing in our world - outside ourselves and within. Ebbs and flows, rest and action, storm and calm, decomposition and creation, solitude and union, contraction and expansion,... It also keeps things so interesting!... How fortunate we are to be able to take a walk in the same trail, or … [Read more...]


Woke up just before 4am... and the Full Moon is shining so bright through my lanai glass/screen doors... wow is it ever glorious!!! The photo really doesn't do it justice!... I'm enjoying the surrounding chorus of nocturnal crickets, cicadas, frogs and... funny, a few roosters in the distance are also calling out... to the Full Moon perhaps?!!... I wish you a wonder-full ecliptic Full Moon day!... Definitely worth waking up at this time to experience this!... ♥   With … [Read more...]


A delightful surprise blew in with the wind this morning as I was journalling...! I was quietly writing when I heard a rustling noise on the lanai... as I looked up I noticed a joyfully dancing seed in the breeze that suddenly flew up and stuck against the screen door!... I opened the door to have a closer look and smiled to find a heart shaped seed in the middle of the translucent paper-like "wings"! A gift from Nature and Spirit... so precious and confirming of my journey!... … [Read more...]


On this glorious New Moon, I went for a sunset hike in the still snowbound trails... I brought a special offering for this land and all beings living here, which I placed at the base of a big Balsam Fir I have a special connection with, with love and gratitude. As I walked back to the house, to my delightful surprise, I suddenly heard the call of a Great-Horned Owl!!!... Wow - I haven't heard its distinctive call since last September!... Being one of my Power Animals, who greeted me … [Read more...]


I'm SO in love and in awe with the Divinity of life!... it's so beautiful and supportive, beyond our senses!... truly! I've experienced it every day throughout my life!... Instead of meditating first thing this morning, I felt compelled to simply look outside at the glorious treed landscape that surrounds me, in quiet contemplation... I was musing about how all my life, I've been a "leaper" into the unknown... and every leap has been stretching me more and more to experience what I'm truly … [Read more...]