Awe-inspiring manifestations of Nature... There's always so many wonders to behold, and they are so visible in our natural world... Sometimes they are so diminutive and intricate that we have to be fully present and still to notice them. Sometimes they're so majestic and grand that we're captivated by these wonders that make us pause and simply be in that moment. Today I'm experiencing another glorious thunderstorm. This one is blessing us with an abundance of much needed … [Read more...]
Every life form is sacred, regardless of our perspective. Each has a divine purpose and how we perceive each other is a very individual, personal thing... What one considers ugly, another considers beautiful... What one considers too wild, another considers inspiring... What one considers plain, another considers exceptional... What one considers amazing, another considers repulsive... What one considers perfect, another considers defective... We all have unique perspectives and … [Read more...]
A master of flight and migration (especially for a butterfly!)... the glorious Monarch!... It's so significant to me, having appeared in truly incredible ways during highly transformative times throughout my life... What a Divine gift it has been to discover it here on the Big Island, when answering Hawaii's call has been a giant leap of faith!... I had no idea the Monarch exists beyond the North American continent!... I've been familiar with this gorgeous, big butterfly since my youth, as … [Read more...]
Another gloriously awe-inspiring sunset over the ocean, seen from Home Heart Hawaii last night on Mauna Loa!... I'm always so fascinated by how high up I am here!... When I see an airplane flying in the sky at eye level to me or lower (!), I realize all over again that I'm as much on Mother Earth as I am immersed in Father Sky!... Mountainous vantage points are quite magickal!... ❤ ***ENJOY tomorrow's powerful New Moon and Solar Eclipse!!!*** With love and wonder-filled … [Read more...]