Windows to our hearts and souls... Our eyes are amazing for so many reasons... but on this Full Moon in Pisces, I'm focusing on their ability to let us see into each other's hearts and souls... to connect in a way that is unique to our eyes... They're like direct channels of connection. We don't even have to see a person's eyes to know they're looking at us from across a field. Even if they're wearing sunglasses, we just know when we're being observed. A connection is felt at a level … [Read more...]
A master of flight and migration (especially for a butterfly!)... the glorious Monarch!... It's so significant to me, having appeared in truly incredible ways during highly transformative times throughout my life... What a Divine gift it has been to discover it here on the Big Island, when answering Hawaii's call has been a giant leap of faith!... I had no idea the Monarch exists beyond the North American continent!... I've been familiar with this gorgeous, big butterfly since my youth, as … [Read more...]
The gift of silent stillness…
For the past two days, the natural world around me has been decorated by beautiful hoarfrost on every twig, dried blade of grass, evergreen needle and more... It is so exquisite to see these intricate crystals decorating everything so perfectly. Accompanying this divine beauty has been complete stillness. Yesterday evening I went for a hike at dusk and fog was all around like a blanket, especially visible in the fields surrounding the forest. For a while I sat silently on the snow at … [Read more...]