It's not a hummingbird... but just as endearing!... There's a wonderful family of moths known as hawk and sphinx moths that behave just like hummingbirds... The way they hover above flowers, fly up, down, backwards, forwards and feed with their long beak-like proboscis... Their wings beat so fast they're almost invisible... They're even the same size as hummingbirds. The one I captured at dusk this evening is known as a pink-spotted hawk moth. So beautiful! Nature is always full of … [Read more...]
Windows to our hearts and souls... Our eyes are amazing for so many reasons... but on this Full Moon in Pisces, I'm focusing on their ability to let us see into each other's hearts and souls... to connect in a way that is unique to our eyes... They're like direct channels of connection. We don't even have to see a person's eyes to know they're looking at us from across a field. Even if they're wearing sunglasses, we just know when we're being observed. A connection is felt at a level … [Read more...]
Divine creations with a high smile-inducing factor... There are certain beings in our world that, when we happen to encounter them, we just can't help but instantly smile and feel so joyful in their presence because they're sooooo endearing to us. There's just something about them that hugs our hearts!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Glorious light... We all feel invigorated by natural light - it reminds us of our own inner light,... that we are light ourselves. Light from the sun, light from fire, light from our eyes... it warms our hearts and touches our souls. It gives us life. It makes us feel vibrant and connected to all. Light is a visible expression of love energy... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Beautiful co-creation - it matters in all ways... I always marvel at the intricate work of spiders - their webs are such incredible works of art that they weave with precision and purpose. I'll always remember one sunrise in central Manitoba a few summers ago, when I was walking in Nature, and there was dew everywhere. On this particular morning, I happened to be walking at the perfect time to see the sunlight shine at the perfect angle, to transform every single spiderweb in this vast … [Read more...]
Precious heart connections... Every time I make a beautiful heart connection, with a person or other being, I am so moved by the depth of love that connects us all - that Divine energy that enables us to transcend everything so we can truly connect heart to heart... Every connection made through love is such a blessing and I'm so grateful for each and every one that we have the privilege to experience every day... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The beauty of our sacred work, regardless what it is... When we contribute to our world from our true essence, everything we do is priceless, more than we can imagine... It's different for each of us, and it's all invaluable. The vulture... I know that many cringe at the sight or thought of this raptor, associating it with death and less than appealing eating habits. However, for many Native American tribes, this large bird is called a "peace eagle". They refer to it as a peace … [Read more...]
Storms... the dance of multiple Elements co-creates massive energy... I've always found Storms intensely beautiful. They're the epitome of many coming together to create a powerful result with purpose. The power of a Storm is immense. Imagine if we all came together with an intention to co-create a world that benefits everyone... our energy, multiplied, effects change when it is focused. It cannot be deviated. It's like lightning in its radiance and precision. When we all realize … [Read more...]
Heart desires manifest in the most amazing ways!... Yesterday evening as I worked on my book outside on the open air deck, one of my dear brothers visiting out of province with his family gifted me a little feather that he found on the ground. Everyone who knows me well knows how special feathers are to me. ... I stayed out late since it was hot and humid (my kind of weather!) and also extremely windy (so no mosquitoes!). As I gathered my things to go indoors, the wind suddenly gusted and … [Read more...]