B-E-A-U-T-Y... When we pause and look around us and within us... there is so much beauty that permeates everywhere, always here and there available to be perceived and received... Today I honour the beauty that resides within me, within each of you, within our environments and beyond into infinity... what we see on the outside is a reflection of the love that flows throughout... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Precious heart connections... Every time I make a beautiful heart connection, with a person or other being, I am so moved by the depth of love that connects us all - that Divine energy that enables us to transcend everything so we can truly connect heart to heart... Every connection made through love is such a blessing and I'm so grateful for each and every one that we have the privilege to experience every day... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Heart desires manifest in the most amazing ways!... Yesterday evening as I worked on my book outside on the open air deck, one of my dear brothers visiting out of province with his family gifted me a little feather that he found on the ground. Everyone who knows me well knows how special feathers are to me. ... I stayed out late since it was hot and humid (my kind of weather!) and also extremely windy (so no mosquitoes!). As I gathered my things to go indoors, the wind suddenly gusted and … [Read more...]
Hidden opportunities to experience more of our world's glorious wonders... I was woken up at 5am this morning by a buzzing mosquito, which isn't the greatest way to wake up!... BUT... when I saw the time, I looked outside at the lake and the sunrise was beckoning me... Mist was billowing over the mirror surface of Royal Lake and the sun was radiant with fire colours... My entire family reunited from out of province to celebrate our mom's milestone birthday, and spending a few … [Read more...]
In celebration of Canada Day... My natal country Canada is so vast and gloriously diverse with every ecosystem, weather and temperature possible!... Sending love and appreciation from the middle of the Pacific Ocean to Canada's inhabitants of all races and kingdoms - human, animal, plant, stone, water, etc... ♥ (this photo was taken from an island on Lake of the Woods near Kenora, Ontario) With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The ever-changing sky... when we look up, we never know what we'll see... or experience!... I had an interesting experience a few days ago... I was waiting outside in a public place on the island of Hawai'i, and since my surroundings weren't very interesting, I gazed up at the sky above me. There were many puffy white clouds dancing in the bright blue sky, changing forms and merging and separating... Different birds flew across my field of vision... The sun's rays played with the … [Read more...]
Treasures are found in the most unexpected places... I love that no matter where we are, there are always treasures to be found... it's all a matter of how we view our world. Whether in beings, things or experiences, there's always something precious that can be discovered. This photo is of a lava stone on a beach at Kealakekua Bay. It sparkles with a crystal known as olivine (or peridot when it's considered gem quality). It's so amazing to see these green crystals in so much of the … [Read more...]
Wishing you a glorious SOLSTICE!…
The dancing cycles of Mother Earth... I wish you all a glorious * SOLSTICE * !... Summer officially begins for us in the northern hemisphere and Winter officially begins for those of you in the southern hemisphere!... It's either the longest or shortest day of the year depending on where you are, and the Solstice's official time is either today or tomorrow depending on your time zone... Here in Hawai'i it's this evening. May this Solstice be an empowering one for … [Read more...]
The diversity of flowers that exist continues to amaze me!... Flowers are such an infinite delight to our senses... their shapes, colours, scents, textures, sizes, petals, foliage,... They're such a blessing to have in our world, simply for the pleasures they offer us as they are, not to mention that they transform into all sorts of delectable edibles with a variety of uses... Regardless of the environments I've been in (forests, prairies, meadows, swamps, deserts, shores, temperate, … [Read more...]