Like so many other animals considered to be solely mythical, dragons are usually dismissed to the realm of "fantasy". Most of us are familiar with dragons through story books, movies, images and legends. Very few people however, will consider that they actually exist, and even less will acknowledge that they do. So much of the realm of Nature has been dissected into parts, de-sanctified, destroyed and reduced to "things" by modern society. This has caused far-reaching, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
January 17, 2014 by Leave a Comment
Expansion... As the sun's arch slowly becomes wider in the sky, moving more and more towards the north as the winter season advances, I feel its expansion affecting so many... The tree's tight little buds on each branch tip eagerly await just the right temperature and length of daylight to burst open and unfurl their leaves... The germinating seeds within the soil are rousing from their winter's slumber and preparing to push forth towards the sunlight... The chickadees are … [Read more...]