Mother Earth's nurturing energies... It feels wonderful to let our beautiful planet's energies infuse our bodies with her nurturing frequencies... whether we sit or lie down for a while, or walk bare feet on the ground... In doing so, we allow excess static accumulated in our bodies from synthetic environments to discharge naturally. We're Nature as much as the trees, plants and animals, and spending too much time away from natural environments creates imbalances within our bodies. … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sacred seeds that become life as we know it... It's truly amazing-beyond-words to think that such small seeds, from the microscopic to the ping-pong ball sized, contain everything to become magnificent trees, vibrant plants, diverse animals, complex human beings... Truly one of life's greatest magick and miracles... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Boundless, vibrant energy... We see examples of everything being energy all the time... However, having the opportunity to observe a red squirrel for just a short period is truly entertaining and amazing. It displays seemingly inexhaustible energy! (especially at this time when they're collecting food rations for the upcoming colder months) At any moment it bursts with super-speed, whether through the trees or on the ground... Ultimately, we all receive energy from the same … [Read more...]
Abundance of delectable delights... I love savouring freshly picked foods from gardens... so vibrant with colours, scents, flavours, textures, energies... They make every cell of my body dance with pleasure and sing with appreciation to all who have contributed to creating these vibrant, nourishing foods... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Sacred partnerships... of all forms... Whether a partnership is of stewardship with our environment, intimate love and union, blood-related or soul family, business collaboration, or support through products and/or services... When we have a perfectly matched partnership, it's mutually beneficial, supportive and empowering... Everyone involved thrives from it. It's a beautiful exchange of energy and everyone feels their best for it. Every day I share a "Miracle of the Day" with … [Read more...]
Bridges of sacred energy between Earth and Sky... Trees have always held a prominent place in spirituality from ages past, one of the best known being the Tree of Life. They are firmly rooted into Mother Earth and extend their limbs high up into Father Sky. They're like bridges between the worlds of the physical and spirit. A Red Pine tree once taught me that they radiate immensely healing energy because they're channels of the sacred energy that flows between the two worlds and … [Read more...]
The Divinely created glory of our natural environment on Mother Earth... It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful and diverse our glorious planet is with her environments... We live on such an exquisite tapestry of landscapes and waterscapes that weave seamlessly together and provide us with incredible support on so many levels, including energetically... Mountains, hills, cliffs, stone formations, valleys, abysses, fjords, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, waterfalls, bogs, meadows, … [Read more...]
Sacred geometry - the physical foundation of Nature including our bodies... Examples of sacred geometry are found everywhere throughout Nature. The most obvious form is the spiral, which we clearly see on pine cones, sea shells, animal horns, plant growth patterns. The center of this daisy also shows the spiral pattern. I love spirals. Other less obvious sacred geometry patterns are even found in our bodies (we're divinely created Nature too!). Leonardo da Vinci's "vitruvian man" … [Read more...]
Glorious light... We all feel invigorated by natural light - it reminds us of our own inner light,... that we are light ourselves. Light from the sun, light from fire, light from our eyes... it warms our hearts and touches our souls. It gives us life. It makes us feel vibrant and connected to all. Light is a visible expression of love energy... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The nurturing energies of lakes and similar water environments... I greatly enjoy silently moving upon the surface of a calm lake in a canoe or kayak at sunrise or sunset... The environment feels so peaceful and we can glimpse and sense what isn't otherwise available during the day... Like all bodies of water, lakes represent places of mystical and feminine energies, like portals to the spirit world. Many cultures of past and present speak of how they facilitate travel to other … [Read more...]