

Sacred partnerships… of all forms…

Whether a partnership is of stewardship with our environment, intimate love and union, blood-related or soul family, business collaboration, or support through products and/or services…

When we have a perfectly matched partnership, it’s mutually beneficial, supportive and empowering…

Everyone involved thrives from it. It’s a beautiful exchange of energy and everyone feels their best for it.

Every day I share a “Miracle of the Day” with someone, verbally or when I can, through social media (like here).

Today, I feel SO grateful to the internet tech support for fixing the connection AND installing wireless! The internet has been inaccessible since Sunday, but now I can interact online again and feel so very appreciative for this internet service.

I love this photograph of two swans that I’m sharing with you today to celebrate sacred partnerships… Swans are not common in this area and the way they flew over me was so breath-taking… ♥

With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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