We just never know who might be co-existing with us in our environment, regardless where we are!... I was quite surprised to encounter this pretty snail this morning, just a few yards away from the lanai door. I hadn't seen one yet on the Big Island and this one was SO obvious, approximately the size of a Brazil nut in the middle of my path! I love spirals and so this little being's shell (in which it was hiding when I discovered it) was a delight to behold... Who might be sharing your … [Read more...]
I love knowing that Mother Earth is continuously recreating and transforming herself right along with us... Sometimes it's subtle, other times quite dramatic!... When we desire something different, letting go of what ties us to the old energy makes space for the new desired energy to replace it... Even small shifts can create big change... Everywhere we look in Nature, there are perfect examples of this... ♥ A small hermit crab outgrows its pretty shell and discards it for a more … [Read more...]
So many wonders grace our world - the more we focus on them, the more of them we see and experience... I was in absolute awe when I arrived here on the Big Island of Hawaii five weeks ago... and my view was this glorious Jacaranda tree (seen from the Jacaranda suite of Home Heart Hawaii). I was used to seeing lilac bushes of beautiful colours of lavender, but this is a HUGE tree, making that much bigger of an impact!... you can see a picnic table and seat beneath its large branches (they … [Read more...]
Life’s continuous transformation of energy…
The infinite cycle of circulating energy in our world (inside and out)... the continuous dance that transforms energy from one form into another... An obvious example here, volcanic eruptions that transformed into rainforests on the islands of Hawai'i... This photo was taken in Kilauea Iki crater showing the hardened lava (that covers a very large area), with a young tree sprouting from it (they're everywhere, dotting the crater here and there)... They are beautiful seedlings of the … [Read more...]
Math has always been a language I'll never understand (and I do mean, never - not in this life)... BUT... when I discovered Sacred Geometry, THAT spoke to me in a way that math never could!... It's a system that permeates our natural world, bodies, ancient temples and famous works of art. It's the crystallizing process of creation, from love energy into physical matter... it's so Divine!... I love seeing obvious examples of Sacred Geometry in Nature and sharing them. These beautiful ferns … [Read more...]
A master of flight and migration (especially for a butterfly!)... the glorious Monarch!... It's so significant to me, having appeared in truly incredible ways during highly transformative times throughout my life... What a Divine gift it has been to discover it here on the Big Island, when answering Hawaii's call has been a giant leap of faith!... I had no idea the Monarch exists beyond the North American continent!... I've been familiar with this gorgeous, big butterfly since my youth, as … [Read more...]
What a spectacular lizard the MO'O is!!!... and the way they observe and look at you with those turquoise-rimmed eyes is so endearing!... How fun it must have been to create such a delightfully colourful little being!... I doubt that anyone can look at these little lizards and not smile - their colours exude joy!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
It's always such a blessing to encounter these beautiful, docile beings of the ocean!... This one was sunning herself and resting on the warm lava stones of Hawaii, fully being in the moment... while others were floating like little islands in the shallow water near the shore, feeding peacefully, occasionally poking their heads out of the water to take in another breath... making eye contact... Having voluteered 11 years ago for 3 months in Costa Rica on the Pacific side, for PRETOMA … [Read more...]
When you’re inspired… you inspire!…
I feel so inspired, I've been working on my book with a wonderfully continuous flow that mirrors the steady flow of rain pouring from the clouds... We're all like unique satellite receivers and transmitters, allowing for two-way inspiration to flow in and out of us,... receiving inspiration from Spirit through various means (including Nature, experiences, people...) and transmitting inspiration by being our radiant selves (the more we shine in what we do and who we are, the more we … [Read more...]
I'm always fascinated by how well many animals blend in perfectly with their surroundings!... It's only when they move that we suddenly see that tree bark, stone, coral, moss, branch, leaf, flower, etc... come to life into a completely different life form than we previously perceived! I felt so privileged to see this beautiful, small Black-Crowned Night Heron calmly fishing in a "royal pond" late afternoon (not at night or early morning as is its usual behavior!). It saw me but kept … [Read more...]