When we look at the ancient science of astrology, we clearly see that we are all different from each other and not meant to "fit in" - at all. We were in fact, divinely designed this way with purpose. We are meant to stand out in the way that only we can - with our unique skills, talents, experiences, perspectives, gifts, characteristics, personalities, zones of genius and quirks! One of my favourite quotes from Albert Einstein is the following: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Nature inspires all areas of my life... Throughout the past four decades, Nature has not only been my greatest teacher, but also my greatest inspiration!... Every aspect of my life is highly influenced by Nature - my work, my clothing, how I adorn myself, how I decorate everything from journals to spaces (even inside my car), places of residence, my environment, my artistic co-creations, my relationships and connections... Nothing I do, am or have, isn't touched by Nature in some way... … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Divinely created masterpieces... While everything created by the Divine is a glorious miracle that fills me with loving wonder and reverence, I discover particular creations at times that seem to burst with artistic joy!... When I first discovered this Green Darner dragonfly (in my former urban backyard of gardens)... I was in absolute awe!... Not only is its size of 4 inches from wing tip to wing tip very impressive, but the colour combinations are so striking and bedazzling! This one … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Celestial paintings... I just so love, love, love how beautiful our sky gets "painted" with the most radiant colours at sunrise and sunset... Shades of gold, crimson, purple, pink, red, lavender, indigo, yellow, orange, peach, fuschia,... the nuances of colours fade and blaze and dance across the horizon... and it's always different!... How fortunate we are to be able to see and experience a new divinely created masterpiece every morning and evening, providing infinite sun-infused … [Read more...]
Various art forms created to preserve and convey traditional teachings about the harmony between the stewards of Mother Earth/Nature and us humans... whether through stories, poetry, paintings, carvings, dances, etc. This whale bone pendant was carved by a Polynesian man (known as Ben Muti) who sells exquisite pendants he creates from cow horn and bone, petrified mammoth bone as well as special ones of whale bone. Each one conveys traditional symbols with great meaning. I love that the … [Read more...]
Nature-inspired and co-created works of art are my favourite type of art... Whether using natural materials to adorn oneself or decorate spaces, sacred geometry to create architecture, or images of nature to create visual masterpieces... from simple to elaborate, it appeals to me aesthetically and delights my heart and soul...! I received this gorgeous Hawaiian lei made of multiple types of flowers blossoming on the Big Island, and it's not only visually beautiful, it also celebrates a … [Read more...]
There's always so many to choose from!... but the one I chose to feature today is so fun to share for its particular qualities... Intricate air bubbles captured permanently in hard lava stone, and radiant sunset colours captured in a delicate Plumeria blossom... what delightfully Divine works of art!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]