

Various art forms created to preserve and convey traditional teachings about the harmony between the stewards of Mother Earth/Nature and us humans… whether through stories, poetry, paintings, carvings, dances, etc.

This whale bone pendant was carved by a Polynesian man (known as Ben Muti) who sells exquisite pendants he creates from cow horn and bone, petrified mammoth bone as well as special ones of whale bone.

Each one conveys traditional symbols with great meaning. I love that the whale bones used are from whales that occasionally beach themselves on the Hawaiian islands. A few Polynesian artists have permission to use some of the jaw and rib bones to transform into traditional works of art. It’s a sacred process that honours the whales and their culture.

This pendant was created from sperm whale bone (the deep divers of the ocean – diving to depths of up to 10,500′!). It’s no wonder I resonated with it on a soul level, since I myself have been diving into deep abysses of test of faith this past year.

Its symbol represents the elements of water and earth bonded by a twist – in harmony. When I purchased it (because I so highly resonate with it), Ben explained that the key elements of native Hawaiian spirituality embrace ancient myths chanted to the sounds of waves in the sea, and the wind in the trees. The two elements (water and land) are often represented in carving or tattooing.

Beauty created from the heart and soul… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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