I love knowing that Mother Earth is continuously recreating and transforming herself right along with us... Sometimes it's subtle, other times quite dramatic!... When we desire something different, letting go of what ties us to the old energy makes space for the new desired energy to replace it... Even small shifts can create big change... Everywhere we look in Nature, there are perfect examples of this... ♥ A small hermit crab outgrows its pretty shell and discards it for a more … [Read more...]
Life’s continuous transformation of energy…
The infinite cycle of circulating energy in our world (inside and out)... the continuous dance that transforms energy from one form into another... An obvious example here, volcanic eruptions that transformed into rainforests on the islands of Hawai'i... This photo was taken in Kilauea Iki crater showing the hardened lava (that covers a very large area), with a young tree sprouting from it (they're everywhere, dotting the crater here and there)... They are beautiful seedlings of the … [Read more...]
Math has always been a language I'll never understand (and I do mean, never - not in this life)... BUT... when I discovered Sacred Geometry, THAT spoke to me in a way that math never could!... It's a system that permeates our natural world, bodies, ancient temples and famous works of art. It's the crystallizing process of creation, from love energy into physical matter... it's so Divine!... I love seeing obvious examples of Sacred Geometry in Nature and sharing them. These beautiful ferns … [Read more...]
A master of flight and migration (especially for a butterfly!)... the glorious Monarch!... It's so significant to me, having appeared in truly incredible ways during highly transformative times throughout my life... What a Divine gift it has been to discover it here on the Big Island, when answering Hawaii's call has been a giant leap of faith!... I had no idea the Monarch exists beyond the North American continent!... I've been familiar with this gorgeous, big butterfly since my youth, as … [Read more...]
It's always such a blessing to encounter these beautiful, docile beings of the ocean!... This one was sunning herself and resting on the warm lava stones of Hawaii, fully being in the moment... while others were floating like little islands in the shallow water near the shore, feeding peacefully, occasionally poking their heads out of the water to take in another breath... making eye contact... Having voluteered 11 years ago for 3 months in Costa Rica on the Pacific side, for PRETOMA … [Read more...]
WOW!... my feet are back on Mother Earth after a GLORIOUS swim with a gentle pod of 20 beautiful, wild Spinner Dolphins on Sunday off the coast of Hawaii, with Soul Family Eva and Lee. Eva captured the magnificent photo I'm sharing with you!... It's impossible to describe such experiences in words - they are experiences of the HEART... I was so touched by the pod when I first arrived to where they were swimming below in the deeper clear waters, and they all surfaced beside me and swam … [Read more...]
Rain blessed the land and Plant Beings in abundance this morning. It was so delightful to hear the soothing rainfall along with the bird songs and cicadas. Everything looks so vibrant and the air smells so fresh! Regardless how we obtain our water for everyday living, it is such an invaluable, precious element for life! Our bodies, like Earth, are mostly made of water. Regardless what our beverage of preference is, it wouldn't exist without water (and neither would we). Think about how … [Read more...]
This is an obvious and Divine ✿ Nature Teaching ✿... Within every seed of life, there's everything required to create the most glorious blossoming plants, majestic trees, beautiful animals of incredible diversity and divinely loving humans... The question is... do we allow ourselves to blossom into our fullest potential, like our global kin who don't have the freedom of choice that we have?... If we all allowed our heart seeds to lead our growth, what would we discover about who we … [Read more...]
Embracing change is a wonderful thing!…
Change is not only normal in Nature but necessary for the well-being of any ecosystem, including our personal one. Observing Nature, we notice the different rhythms and cycles that keep the energy flowing in our world - outside ourselves and within. Ebbs and flows, rest and action, storm and calm, decomposition and creation, solitude and union, contraction and expansion,... It also keeps things so interesting!... How fortunate we are to be able to take a walk in the same trail, or … [Read more...]