The completely unexpected...! (Spirit has a sense of humour) I was sitting on the veranda to enjoy the gorgeous weather while I write my book... There's so many extremes going on, I asked Spirit for a clear sign to confirm that I'm still on track and everything is exactly as it should be... Shortly after, a little bird like the one in the photo (a junco), suddenly flew up to a window, flutter-stopped just before boinking itself in it, then flew up to me a few yards away, PERCHED on my … [Read more...]
Little miracles with big impacts... size doesn't matter! Some require an open mind and wonder for everything in existence to be fully appreciated… I’ve always seen the world with awe, and notice even the tiniest or most subtle things… When I lived at my last home for 2 years, I noticed this most peculiar, itty bitty winged being that suddenly showed up one day… I’d never seen one like that before and unless there was more than one, it had a surprising longevity!… Although it’s like a … [Read more...]
The mystical and physical dancing together more and more... I've noticed since 2007 that certain beings I usually saw with my 3rd eye have become easier to see with my physical sight, especially this past year. Mentioning this to others, it's obvious that it's a natural evolution we're experiencing and the result is that we're able to connect more easily whole-bodied with beings of other dimensions - what used to be perceived by our spiritual senses is now perceivable with our physical … [Read more...]
Heart desires manifest in the most amazing ways!... Yesterday evening as I worked on my book outside on the open air deck, one of my dear brothers visiting out of province with his family gifted me a little feather that he found on the ground. Everyone who knows me well knows how special feathers are to me. ... I stayed out late since it was hot and humid (my kind of weather!) and also extremely windy (so no mosquitoes!). As I gathered my things to go indoors, the wind suddenly gusted and … [Read more...]
Hidden opportunities to experience more of our world's glorious wonders... I was woken up at 5am this morning by a buzzing mosquito, which isn't the greatest way to wake up!... BUT... when I saw the time, I looked outside at the lake and the sunrise was beckoning me... Mist was billowing over the mirror surface of Royal Lake and the sun was radiant with fire colours... My entire family reunited from out of province to celebrate our mom's milestone birthday, and spending a few … [Read more...]
Life supports us every step of the way in many forms... Wow... so many transitions are occurring with MANY!... we can barely keep up it seems!... BUT, we're not doing this alone and we're not expected to either! ... I've been seeing so many beautiful dragonflies of all types and colours... they are also masters of transformational transitions and they do it with so much grace... From eggs, to aquatic nymphs to agile masters of flight - truly inspiring to see! When you feel like … [Read more...]
I so LOVE sharing the wonders of our world with you... and there's always new ones to discover and share!... These two natural phenomenons were previously unknown to me until I saw photographs in art galleries and on postcards (like the ones I'm sharing in the photograph) found in Kona, Hawai'i. This particular tornado on the postcard was formed by Kilauea volcanic lava entering the ocean and creating its own weather system on the island of Hawai'i. I even saw a photograph in a gallery … [Read more...]