On this day dedicated to everything "LOVE", I'm starting a new cycle of 33 "Miracle of the Day"... I completed the first cycle with a Rainbow... and I'm beginning this new one with a Triple Rainbow!... Recently, I had a vivid sleep dream where I was in a lush tropical environment and reached a location where I was overlooking a vast open space, and there in the sky were these radiant 3 Rainbows!... I was in such awe! I've seen doubles many times, but never triples. Since Rainbows are so … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 33 of 33)
The glorious Rainbow... it certainly felt like a day infused with its magick, beauty, high frequency and inspiration...! Last night it seemed like I had one long dream from the moment I fell asleep to when I opened my eyes this morning... and in this dream I had the Elementals keeping me company in different places of beautiful Nature, with pure joy and awe... I feel such a special kinship with the Elementals, and Rainbows have always felt very special to me... like a guiding sign on my … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 31 of 33)
Miracles abound in so many forms... When we notice and acknowledge all of them (including those that perhaps many wouldn't consider a miracle), we invite more of them into our life - including the wow-beyond-words-amazing ones! Over the years I've experienced every range of miracles and I LOVE seeing the divinity in every single one of them - subtle to incredible. Today I'm featuring one that I call a "Divine wink" - it's subtle, fun and no less significant. A signpost on the … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 29 of 33)
I experienced a perfect example of the power of circular energy flow (as opposed to the one way straight line flow)... While the circular exchange beautifully benefits and empowers many, the straight line is wasteful and depleting. I strive to remain in the circular flow. I had a fantastic "girls' day" out with 2 dear Soul Sisters... We started with lunch at "our" restaurant of delicious Ethiopian food ("Kokeb") owned by a wonderful family. They relocated downtown in the city and reopened … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 21 of 33)
Divine timing - it always amazes me, time and time again! I ended up having a wonderful and unexpected late evening conversation with a Soul Sis who lives in Hawai'i... over one hour later, another Soul Sis I'm fortunate to have as a neighbour delivered my mail (this was an unusually late delivery). Imagine my surprise when I noticed a special package from Hawai'i - from Eva Annaluna whom I was still chatting with on the phone!!! What was hilarious is that we'd even been … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 20 of 33)
Soaring on the magick carpet of Intuitive Guidance...! It's such a gift that we all have. Everything just FLOWS when I hand over the navigation to my intuition and give my mind a rest... The rewards of using our higher senses are always so "WOW!"!... I felt today was THE day to change as much as I could to my new legal name Lucille DancingWind, since I received my new driver's licence yesterday (as a photo id, it all starts from there!). I wanted to get to the passport office … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 18 of 33)
Do you see the wonderful Tree Spirit in this photo?... While I was having a great conversation with a dear Soul Sister, we ended up on the subject of Nature Spirits and the Elemental realm... Well, this beautiful Crab Apple tree is across from the picture window and I've looked at it hundreds of times and never saw a face in its trunk... until during that conversation today!... All of a sudden, it popped out at me so clearly, like a confirmation of what we were discussing!... the … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 13 of 33)
(posted January 23rd on Facebook) We are walking miracles - each and every one of us!... and we can be someone's incredible miracle also, whether we know it or not... A perfect example, although not typical... Walking back through a trail at dusk after witnessing a glorious sunset, I suddenly came face-to-face with a house cat... startled to see me, it suddenly let go of a mouse it had in its mouth!... the mouse fell to the ground motionless, and the cat walked over to great me, … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 12 of 33)
(posted January 22nd on Facebook) Interconnectedness... Although I'm fully aware that everything and everyone is connected, it always delights me to see the evidence of this! I experience it every day (as I'm sure all of you do!) and today was no exception... The best examples... A Soul Sister emailed me about something I was thinking about, and even included a link that ended up being exactly what I'd envisioned (and she didn't even know about my thoughts - totally intuitive!)... … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 11 of 33)
(posted January 21st on Facebook) Glorious, life-giving WATER...! I woke up this morning - NO water!... I always start my day with lots of water - to drink and shower with. I have good well water in the country which I greatly appreciate. Well, it's been very cold here and last night a pipe froze!... but thankfully it was just a matter of getting it to thaw since it didn't burst (unless it was something underground that wasn't visible). Early evening I went for my Nature hike and … [Read more...]