
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 31 of 33)

Miracles abound in so many forms…

When we notice and acknowledge all of them (including those that perhaps many wouldn’t consider a miracle), we invite more of them into our life – including the wow-beyond-words-amazing ones!

Over the years I’ve experienced every range of miracles and I LOVE seeing the divinity in every single one of them – subtle to incredible.

Today I’m featuring one that I call a “Divine wink” – it’s subtle, fun and no less significant. A signpost on the journey…

I noticed that 2 dear Soul Sisters posted quite the conversation on my timeline regarding Hawaii today – I added a few comments this morning. After I mentioned “Divine timing”, Tanya playfully posted about boats, planes and dolphins as a means of transportation. Then Eva joyfully chimed in that there are whales too!…

After I read Eva’s comment, I felt intuitively “nudged” to check out The Weather Network online,… and was so amazed to see a featured “top story” being “Giant whale greets tourists in Hawaii”…!!! I was able to watch a short video of it. What a wonderfully unexpected “Divine wink”! I’m attaching the link here if you’re curious to see it also.

Although I like to post my own photos as much as possible, I can’t take credit for the beautiful one I’ve included this time!

Enjoy the “Divine winks” on your own journeys!… ♥

With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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