When I felt inspired to include the powerful significance of the upcoming Equinoxes in my newsletter for the quarter moon phase, I suddenly understood the divine timing of the leafless trees, who guided me to feature them and their teaching in my new video. Their wisdom is a perfect compliment to the Equinoxes. It's funny - despite being a visionary by nature, since I focus predominantly on the present, I don't always "clue in" about the purposefulness and relationship … [Read more...]
A bowlful of memories, love and contemplations…
As Michael and I enjoyed our dinner yesterday evening, we reminisced about the foods we grew up with and how we never would have imagined then, that food and water would become a subject of so much controversy. We both love soups, especially during the colder weather, so we made my grandma’s and mom's delicious recipe of homemade pea soup “a la French Canadian” (my heritage), along with corn bread. This is one of my favourite cooked “comfort foods”. It inspired me to share about our … [Read more...]
Laughter is such powerful medicine!…
This is really an understatement - and scientific research has proved this to be true as well. I realized this even more when I initially posted this on Facebook. The response I received from such a huge number of people was so amazing! So many had been in need of laughter in that moment they saw my post. It enlightened me even more about the power of laughter. I'd felt guided to post that, even if the photo I chose to accompany it (created by me) made me look absolutely silly! Since the … [Read more...]
Uncommon surprise gifts are one of the greatest compliments!…
While I celebrate "Thanksgiving" every day in my own way, it's always wonderful to celebrate with family and friends as well. Yesterday Michael and I had a wonderful celebration with a dear soul sister and her family, including 4 generations, from her 89 years old father to her 16 months old granddaughter. It was very special! One of our sister's friends was visiting, having arrived to Alaska the day before, after a journey of driving from Colorado. Michael knew him already but I met him … [Read more...]
SNOWFLAKES teach: Connecting allows us to Shine [video]…
If you don't particularly enjoy spending time on your own or you're the opposite and you'd rather not spend time with others, I invite you to consider the snowflake's teaching about why both are important for us as human beings (and our world). Nature is such a masterful teacher, always imparting invaluable lessons to empower us, on our paths of life here on Mother Earth. When I receive insights from an aspect or being of Nature, it's such a joy and honour for me to … [Read more...]
WASPS teach: Inviting Beauty Expands Us [video]…
If you've ever found yourself "stuck" in a perspective about someone or something and you'd like to shift it somehow, so you can feel more light-hearted, inner peace or less constricted around this being or situation, this video is for you. My guest in this video is not well loved like the butterflies, bumblebees, lady beetles or moths, due to its aggressive nature. However, Wasp unexpectedly answered my heart's invitation this past summer and revealed something … [Read more...]
SEASONS teach: Change is an Essential Blessing [video]…
If you're someone who tends to resist change or you find yourself facing change that pushes you way beyond your comfort zone, may this video encourage you, by providing a different perspective from Nature. As Nature beings ourselves, our natural environments and their inhabitants continuously impart wisdom to assist us on our paths of life, in everyday life. While change is a phenomenon that can make us feel all sorts, from excited or joyful to extremely stressed or … [Read more...]
The infinitely expansive power of Higher Consciousness…
Throughout my life I’ve experienced countless miraculous and amazing manifestations that would initially have seemed impossible to most. I attribute this magick to my openness on all levels and sacred relationship with my heart, Nature and Spirit. I know that anything is possible, and it seems that the Divine continuously delights in surprising me with even greater jaw-dropping, masterful orchestrations. One such manifestation unexpectedly occurred when I was in beautiful Sedona, Arizona, for … [Read more...]