Winter's germinating seeds... It's so amazing that winter, a season of more cold and darkness in many countries, is the season when seeds begin to wake up and germinate within the earth... As the sun's arch gets wider in the sky every day, the lengthening daylight stimulates the dormant seeds into awakening... By the time spring arrives, they are ready to burst and push through the soil towards the light, to become their magnificence... For some they'll live an entire life cycle … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Even small and subtle is powerful... When we live from a place of loving appreciation, our world expands to include even the smallest and most subtle things that usually go unnoticed, that can make all the difference in our day and for others... The glistening dewdrop of rainbow colours on a blade of grass... a kind word... an intricate little snowflake that lands on your mitten... a warm, loving smile... a tiny feather dancing in the breeze... love shining through eye contact... a small … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Animal Spirit Guides... Raven was with me again, through another snow storm!... Whether we're aware of it or not, Spirit is always supporting us on our paths in various ways... One of them is through Spirit Guides. Since we're all familiar with animals and we have an affinity for them, Spirit Guides often show up as these wise beings, either physically or through images, words, symbols, etc. These Spirit Guides offer us wise teachings. They reflect aspects of ourselves and our paths … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Being a trail blazer (knowingly AND unknowingly!)... Being a trail blazer requires that we create and follow our own paths, led by our hearts and passion for what we value... We just never know when we live our truth who we might become a trail blazer for... making the path for another easier because we were willing to be the first to go where no one has gone before... I had a delightful surprise today when I went hiking in forest trails. I had to make my own tracks yesterday after … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The power of inspiration... I don't know anyone who doesn't love the feeling of being truly inspired... What inspires each of us can be vastly different, yet the feeling is the same... a heightened sense of being filled with Spirit, life-force, well-being, wonder, motivation, creative flow... Really, it's something, like love, that words cannot describe - it's an experience... At this time of the year, between the Winter Solstice on December 21st and the beginning of the New Year, which … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Blissful BEing... At this time of the year especially, it's easy for people to burn out with the festivities... not to mention that lifestyles in general also demand that people do, do, do... and do some more... Taking a "time out" to simply BE... even if it's only 5 minutes, to simply focus on breathing and giving your mind a break, creates a shift in perspective, in energy, in space, allowing for greater awareness and possibilities to come into play... Nature demonstrates the dynamics … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Spirit speaks through Nature... I'm always so in awe to experience the divinity that permeates all life!... Spirit speaks to us in so many ways... through our hearts, through people, through circumstances... just to name a few... but also through Nature, in such beautiful ways... When we attune to Nature in a way that all our senses become receptive to what it desires to communicate with us, a whole other dimension of life experience opens up to us... and it's truly amazing. I have so … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
A family as vast as the stars in our universe... Within our hearts, most of us desire a world where love, kindness, appreciation, harmony, community and celebration of everyone's individuality (including our own) prevail. I truly believe this can be achieved. If we each lovingly embrace every type of being that exists in our global family, then we will co-create the world that we desire - from our hearts... Our hearts know a language that is universal and when we use it, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Delightful surprises of Nature!... It's so easy to overlook things in our environment that we get used to seeing. We might see the same species of birds, mammals, trees or plants and not really notice them anymore, since they're no longer a novelty... I tend to do that in urban areas, but when I'm out in Nature, I always see things with wonder - as if seeing them for the first time. Even if I've seen Chickadees, Oak trees or Squirrels hundreds of times, I still delight in every one I … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Interactive energy fields in the holiday season... Since we're seemingly physical beings in our solid bodies and environments, it's easy to forget that we're actually energy beings, on all levels... Our bodies are all energy, even though they feel solid, and our thoughts, emotions and words are energy... Our personal fields of energy also expand far beyond our physical bodies... What does this mean for us?... At every given moment, our energy is interacting with everyone else's, and … [Read more...]