
The Universe LOVES to fill voids!…

If you find yourself desiring something new, or an upgrade on something you already have, here’s a wonderful tip for you…

The Universe LOVES to fill voids!

It’s a natural phenomenon that we can use to our advantage…

To see this in action, simply look at Nature.

Anyone who gardens or maintains a landscape knows that if we just let things go, pretty soon there’s no space left. Everything becomes grown-in surprisingly quickly…

After a large tree falls or a forest fire, it doesn’t take long before that space becomes filled with new saplings, flowering plants, shrubs…

Prairie habitats and savannas have always coexisted with wild fires to keep their space open, otherwise they soon become encroached by brush followed by forest.

I’ve been experimenting with and using this natural “law” for some time now, and am always amazed by the results. We don’t always have to create a physical void or space with intention. Simply having the desire for something new or an upgrade can be enough to set things in motion – new opportunities suddenly show up by things disappearing or breaking down (!). Two personal examples for you…

Within the past year, I’ve ended up with the perfect-for-me new car, new ultrabook and other less expensive new things that were not anticipated…

The car and computer breakdowns seemed like the WORST timing for expenses… yet, it was in fact p-e-r-f-e-c-t. I had desired a car I could depend on for a LONG time and a computer of high quality that was easy to travel with. So, in those moments, I surrendered to the Universe and allowed it to take over,… and everything flowed miraculously with massive discounts and bonuses! I not only received what I had desired all along – but even better!

When something suddenly doesn’t seem to work out for you… in that moment, ask yourself if you had even a hint of a desire for something better or different, and see what happens when you “go with the flow” instead of resisting a possible golden opportunity…

This following example demonstrates how creating a physical void or space allows for something new and better to replace what you let go of… The past two months I’ve donated most of my wardrobe to family, friends and a second hand store that supports different charities. I desired clothing that reflect me at this time – not me a year ago or many years ago. Anything that didn’t “light me up” with joy, was given away.

Since then, I’m so amazed by how my closet has been filling up with such high quality, beautiful (beyond what I could imagine) “me” clothes!… and for a FRACTION of the cost! So I’ve now even let go of the “maybe” items. I discovered a treasure trove I wasn’t even aware of, until I set this intention and allowed the Universe to work its magick.

Awareness is key when we purposely create our own voids, so we don’t miss the clues that will lead us to the perfect-for-us replacement (use your intuitive gut feelings, insights, “nudges”, unexpected information or invitations, etc…).

One last tip – be mindful that sometimes the perfect opportunity doesn’t look like what we’d expect it to look like!

I wish you joyful experimenting!


With love and wonder-filled spirit,


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  1. Beautiful Lucille,

    this was exactly (!) what I needed to hear as I am upleveling my offers and my fun-tickets (finances!). So, everything that is of the old level is showing its face sticking out its imaginary tongue before it makes space for my own Tanya Treasury.

    Thank you so much for your commitment to inspiration and Creation,

    much love to you,
    miracle vortex ☆ Tanya ☆✩

    PS Talking about VOID and VORTEX. Taking on a ‘title’ like miracle vortex is wearing my intention on my forehead – and so it is ‘vortexing away’… what I have been tolerating… and what we tolerate, holds us back 🙂

    • Dearest Tanya,

      What a delightful message to read! Thank you for sharing that. I wish you much joy and magick as you transform your life to the iconic level!

      Your loving appreciation fills my heart!

      Lots of love to you!

      Lucille ♥