
The magickal power of Energy – a Love story…

I dedicate this post to my love Michael. We celebrate our first wedding anniversary tomorrow (Sept. 29) and what adventurous love, laughter, beauty and everything-in-between experiences we’ve had together since we first connected!… 

The story of how we found each other, despite over 4500 km (2800 miles) between him in Alaska and me in central Canada, AND also recognized each other, demonstrates the divine power of Energy, governed by the sacred element of Fire!…


sacred element FIRE image signatures


It was October 2013 and I was fully immersed into writing and editing the manuscript for my book “Sacred Possibilities”. I’d been writing every day since July and hadn’t been paying much attention to the rest of the world. However, I received an invitation to post my daily “Miracle of the Day” in a new Facebook group. It would be a wonderful way for me to connect with more people during this period of time, by sharing my inspiring Nature photographs with wisdom specific to the group. Well, I had no idea what was about to unfold by accepting this invitation!…

Immediately after I began to post in the group, I noticed a man who stood out, not only because he was the only consistent male presence, but his energy captivated me. I felt an instant, special connection with Michael that I couldn’t logically explain and it greatly intrigued me. I also noticed how much he supported my work beyond the group in so many beautiful ways and we became friends.

One day while I was writing my book, I had received a clear vision for its cover image. I knew that in order to manifest this image, I would have to work with someone who really understood me at the heart and spirit level, to capture its essence. Imagine my delightful surprise when I discovered that Michael was a freelance graphic designer and could do book covers! I just knew without a doubt that he was the one who could bring that image to life as it was meant to.

He accepted my request, and as he wondered if he could really do this for me, he received an undeniable sign in the sky from Spirit, mirroring the book cover image, as a confirmation that he was the one for this project. We began to connect every day through messages to co-create this image. As the month advanced, something quite magickal began to evolve which I hadn’t anticipated at all.

I realized there was so much more to my connection with Michael than I had foreseen. While I had felt an undeniable connection from the start, I hadn’t put much thought into why we shared such a connection. As the days went on, we quickly realized how well we could “read” each other through energy! It was something we had never experienced with another person at this level. We were exchanging so much information between us through our higher senses, bypassing the more common forms of communication. This enabled us to naturally connect so deeply at multiple levels. It was almost dumbfounding, this level of ease and trust that we felt with each other, despite being several thousand miles apart and never having made eye contact.

Due to our mutual ability to hold sacred space and our willingness to be vulnerable with each other, we were also learning so much about ourselves through each other. We clearly saw where we were being called to evolve further as individuals, by bringing out the best in each other as well as exposing our shadows. It became glaringly obvious that we had a sacred agreement (a “soul contract”) together and had agreed to reunite at this specific time in our lives. The timing could not have been more divinely orchestrated for both of us. Ultimately, we both had let our hearts lead us to each other through a series of events.

Our multi-dimensional connection was so profound that we felt a mutual desire to share everything about ourselves. We opened up completely to each other, without secrets. It was an incredible act of courage and trust for both of us, yet so liberating to be completely transparent with each other and never feel the slightest judgment. We discovered that we’d had so many similar experiences throughout our lives, resulting in the same lessons and wisdom. This gave us a level of understanding about each other that was simply mind-boggling and priceless.

Countless incredible synchronicities began to appear between us every day. One of them involved his own new body tattoo that signified transformation and higher consciousness. When he told me the date he received it, we realized it was on the very same day I had seen two beautiful falling stars travel across the Big Dipper before dawn. I had also seen a majestic bald eagle fly across the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen in my life on that day (it had looked like a divine smile directly above me in clear-blue sky). Falling stars were very significant for Michael. I also discovered that the flag of Alaska (where he currently resided), featured the Big Dipper as its symbol! The only other time I saw a rainbow directly above me like that was in Sedona, AZ when I had expressed my desire to Spirit to reunite with my beloved “twin flame”, who I knew was in this world. While I fully enjoyed my time on my own, I felt ready for the one relationship I truly desired with another. I just felt in my heart that together our lives would be enhanced and we’d elevate our sacred work to another level. Michael had manifested my book cover image even more brilliantly than I had envisioned it and it felt so significant and perfect that it was a co-creation between us!

We discovered more and more how highly attuned we were to each other, which continually left us speechless. He began to share “random” songs, images, and thoughts with me, and these were always so highly significant to me, either with synchronicity or resonance. Every song he shared was from artists I’d never heard of, yet the songs resonated deeply with me, like expressions of my own heart and soul. It really gave me goosebumps. He knew me so intimately without consciously realizing it (and he said the same of me). Every image he shared also deeply touched me; some triggered memories of past lives together (like one of two feathers tied together). Our sacred connection kept revealing itself further. 

We also quickly realized we could physically, strongly feel each other’s hearts and love in ways we didn’t even know was possible. (This confirmed even more to us how powerful energy is, especially love—the highest frequency, regardless of distance.) We felt waves of massive love energy flow through our heart chakras and burst beyond our bodies every time we felt love for each other through focused awareness (like thoughts). I had never experienced this before—it was like the Divine’s pure-love energy amplified by our own (or vice versa) and flowing through us! It was absolute, expansive bliss, similar to my full-body divine-love energy experiences (with Mother Earth and Spirit), except this was all contained in our chest areas. It felt as if our hearts were pure love radiance that expanded beyond our bodies, similar to solar flares from the sun. I knew Michael was experiencing this also, since he described it this way to me. I was suddenly reminded that it was solar flares that caused the aurora lights—my personal analogy of the heart’s luminous green love energy! I was quite amazed that a man was sharing with me, so much of what I was experiencing myself! This felt like an orgasm of the heart, with love expanding into infinity. I hadn’t known one could experience this with someone else! It expanded my own experiences of love energy that much more. It felt so very sacred. 

One night, I had one of those highly significant, vivid dreams during my sleep, involving Bald Eagle (one of my prominent animal spirit guides), an abundance of eagle feathers forming a circle around me, and highly fragrant clusters of white blossoms. This dream made it clear that I was actually in love with Michael, a man I had never even met in person in this life! I suddenly remembered that, for the past few months, every time I’d been in Nature I had received clear signs about a form of upcoming partnership: double trees, two identical feathers together on my path (multiple times), fluttering pairs of butterflies that would circle around me, bird pairs flying above me and often appearing to kiss each other by touching beaks in flight. This had occurred every day until I wholeheartedly connected with Michael. These signs had obviously been leading up to him!

Then, before I could share how I felt with him, he openly expressed that he was completely in love with me! I could feel his loving heart and how much he meant what he said. He also not only said it, but consistently showed it with his actions in ways that astounded me and deeply touched me. Since we were both highly empathic and intuitive (which seemed highly amplified between us) it assisted our mutual desire to be completely transparent with each other. That was so important to both of us. We had never experienced this deep level of intimacy with anyone before. It was so unlike any relationship either of us had ever had—even more so since it wasn’t even in person! 

Interestingly, self-trust had been a key player for both of us in our journeys towards each other. I had known for some time that my sacred man would find me without me having to look for him. After leaving my marriage in 2011, I had been teased by people that I would never find a man if I didn’t do this or that. At this point I was not interested in a partner who was not my equal. I knew he existed and that my beloved was not the type of man I would meet in a regular way—he was someone like me. This meant that our hearts and keen ability to feel energies would be key factors. Neither of us would need to do anything except honour and shine our authentic selves, and let our hearts lead us. I did not desire someone who didn’t live this way. And so I listened to my heart’s wisdom and allowed it to guide me, which is exactly what Michael did also, regardless of what others said. We were mutually “contrary” to societal expectations. 

It’s all in the energy, just like plants that attract their perfect pollinators (something I had learned from my urban prairie garden in 2003). Some relationships are so specialized that only one kind of pollinator will do, and yet they find each other regardless if the plant is located in the middle of a city! I understood that the more we radiate our energy signature in its purest form (by doing our inner work), the more likely that we will attract exactly who we desire, for all sorts of connections. The geography and circumstances are inconsequential. Energy has no boundaries—that’s the divine beauty of it. 

We knew there was higher wisdom at play, since we had connected in a way that left the distraction of the physical presence out of the equation. I knew we were being called to fully surrender to and explore this incredible connection we felt, at other levels. I was being invited to love deeply despite the uncertainty of the superficial. Michael and I had experienced “love at first feeling” rather than “love at first sight”, and it was so powerful and different than anything we’d experienced before (just as we’d both desired). 

It had been brilliantly orchestrated, for the fact that I didn’t feel physically attracted to him. It caused my mind and ego to panic once in a while, for I had never loved a man as deeply as I loved Michael, yet I didn’t even know if I’d also be able to feel a physical connection with him. He knew this, for we had agreed to always be completely open with each other about everything. It wasn’t easy for me to express this to him—it made me feel terrible actually. However, his non-judgmental understanding and acceptance of how I felt, melted my heart even more, and opened me to the possibility that I might feel differently in his actual presence. Meanwhile, he realized that he had chosen to incarnate in a physical body that didn’t immediately mesmerize me, for a higher reason. 

We agreed to meet in person when we felt divinely guided to the perfect place and time. Then we could explore the last level of connection—the physical presence. It seemed that as soon as we mutually expressed this, Spirit began to guide us to that very special location. In conversation one day, I happened to mention how I’d felt called for years by the giant sequoia tree beings of California. To my absolute surprise, Michael informed me that his parents owned a vacation home nestled near the beautiful Yosemite National Park where those giants of the forest stood! Multiple synchronicities occurred after this and significant signs showed up to further confirm that this would be our sacred place of meeting. It felt so perfect to us, and we sensed it would be like a long-awaited reunion when we met. We felt so familiar to each other and there was no denying our profound connection. We already felt so blessed for all we had already experienced together. 

I surrendered even the smallest resistance and allowed my heart to love Michael as profoundly and freely as it desired to. While we both felt that this bond we shared was already divine beyond words, another level of possibility unexpectedly revealed itself to us. Incredible fires of passion ignited within us when we both fully surrendered to this love! The energy was no longer contained within the area of our heart chakras but affected all our chakras, on all levels. It was absolutely amazing to experience this deeper level of connection through only words and energy. We couldn’t help but wonder what awaited us when we met in person! 

I had so greatly desired to have two weeks as a complete “time out” from everything, before my book published, and Michael manifested this for me in the most divine way possible. He expressed that he’d already missed enough of my birthdays and intended on making my 41st very special for me—we met in California a few months later in March 2014.  

I so appreciated that Michael made it clear from the start that he’d always fully honour and respect me in all ways, with no expectations. Since we had such a clear connection through energy, I didn’t doubt a word—I knew I could fully trust him for I felt it (many people felt I was brave or nuts to do this). When I first saw him at the airport, I did not feel any physical attraction, at all. However, instead of making that a conclusion, I opened myself to the possibilities. Since the energy was undeniable and it felt clear to our hearts that we were each other’s divine match, we knew we were going to teach each other important lessons.

Well… this was one of the biggest lessons of my life regarding love in its most divine form! I am eternally grateful to Michael for agreeing (before we incarnated) to teach me this lesson, for it was not easy on him to know that his beloved wasn’t physically attracted to him! Yet he simply accepted this, never making me feel anything but truly honoured in all ways, with so much unconditional love and understanding. That alone melted my heart and we had so much fun together, exploring incredibly beautiful Nature and meeting the giant sequoias. With every day that we experienced together, we fell even more in love with each other. And then… something unexpected gradually unfolded before my eyes. First it was his smile… and every day… one more thing about him became physically attractive to me… from endearing to beautiful. It really surprised and so delighted me!

Michael knew how much I needed two weeks “away from it all”, and he manifested this for me in partnership with Spirit. Every detail about those two weeks together was divine in every way possible, beyond my wildest dreams! We discovered how truly divinely matched we were in all ways possible, including that we could even see the same twinkly Fae lights that appeared around us, especially in our tender, laughter and passion moments (the Elementals were celebrating all around us!). It was such a joy for me to be able to experience these endearing little light sprites with Michael! It was the first time I could share that with someone and it was so special to me. Those two weeks together were such a gift—an epic first date that felt like a “pre-wedding honeymoon”! (We didn’t know yet that we’d be married by the end of that year!)


Michael and Lucille


At one point, one of the many magickal moments we experienced together, manifested… I was looking up through the branches of a giant pine that captivated me, when I noticed that colours started appearing through his branches in the sky… and I realized it was a manifesting rainbow! Both of us ran to a nearby clearing for a better view of the sky and were left in absolute awe to see the most radiant rainbow appear like a giant smile above us! Again, that significant rainbow formation I’d seen in Sedona and on the day Michael received his significant tattoo (we both had tattoos including esoteric symbols and butterflies now). It felt like such a profound, visible blessing from Spirit. The rainbow itself was so significant to me. Another magickal moment was that I felt guided to go inside twin giant sequoias (special “twin flame” signs for me) and found two identical feathers inside their “cave”. What beautiful love gifts we received from Nature and Spirit.

If Michael and I had had any doubt about our sacred connection, all that we experienced in California didn’t leave any logical space for our minds to doubt. And THEN, something phenomenal was revealed to us after our trip! A soul sister who does astrology did a synastry chart for us out of curiosity (the traditional method of examining a relationship by comparing the astrological aspects in one’s natal chart with those in another). What she discovered absolutely amazed us all! Together, our charts create a perfect Merkaba, or Star of David, inside a hexagon, which is said to astrologically be a very rare configuration and combination! The Merkaba is an extremely powerful symbol (which I studied in Sedona in 2012). It channels energy down from the Universe and up from the Earth, combining male and female energies. The hexagon, an ancient symbol for the heart, became prominent in my life, beginning in Hawai’i (2013) with a mysterious imprint on my finger (and is featured in my logo, divinely inspired and designed by my brother in 2011). To see these powerful sacred geometry symbols appear when our astrological charts are combined together… it still amazes us.

In May 2014 I was guided to drive the entire distance from Manitoba, Canada to Anchorage, Alaska to spend the summer with Michael. I had my spirit guides watching over me so I never felt alone (even when I didn’t have a phone signal nor see any motorists for miles and miles in the mountains). It felt so amazing to our hearts and spirits to be together again. On September 29, 2014, Michael and I married in glorious Nature, tying two feathers together as a symbol of our love beyond time and space (instead of exchanging rings).

Every day I’m eternally grateful for our heart and energy journeys that brought us together and for the love journey that we’ve been experiencing together ever since. 

Nothing is more beautiful or powerful than divine love, for ourselves and for each other (human and beyond).

Fire, the governor of our Energy Body, is the second sacred element featured in my new program “Sacred Allliances for Empowered Living”. Together, they’re another powerful ally on the path of the heart!

Find out more here:


With great love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille





    Leave a Reply to jt Cancel reply

  1. I also had someone find me recently, our charts form a perfect merkaba. looks like you’re in union with your twin flame ❤

    • Hello dear JT,

      How wonderful to hear about your own divine match – thank you for sharing! I sense that more and more twin flame unions will occur for those who desire it, as humanity continues to expand in heart-centered awareness and beingness. It’s a wonderful thing! I wish you infinite love, joy and blessings for your relationship! ♥ Michael and I certainly feel blessed by ours! ♥

      With great joy & love,
      Lucille DancingWind

  2. Dearest Tanya,

    A wholehearted thank you for all that you so beautifully shared! Fully received with so much joy and appreciation!

    Great love to you, from my heart to yours! ♥

  3. Tanya von Zychlinsky says:


  4. Tanya von Zychlinsky says:

    Dearest Lucille,

    This is by far the most magical Love Story I have read in a long time. There are many out there who will be empowered and inspired by your example and courage, your connection and deep TRUST in Nature and Spirit and all of Life.

    I celebrate you and your beloved Michael and am exhilarated to see what else will be manifested through the two of you.

    Even though I have witnessed much of your side of it from over here in the UK, it still reads like a Fairy Tale. Having it all in one story it’s obvious how very orchestrated it all was, indeed.

    Thank you for sharing your life so openly with us.

    With a grateful grin and swirling Spirit,

    You Soul Twin Sis,
