
The gift of silent stillness…

For the past two days, the natural world around me has been decorated by beautiful hoarfrost on every twig, dried blade of grass, evergreen  needle and more…  It is so exquisite to see these intricate crystals decorating everything so perfectly.

Hoarfrost on Elm twig – photo by Lucille (c)

Accompanying this divine beauty has been complete stillness.  Yesterday evening I went for a hike at dusk and fog was all around like a blanket, especially visible in the fields  surrounding the forest. For a while I sat silently on the snow at the edge of a forest trail facing a fog-filled field… and I noticed how incredibly silent everything was. It was so silent in fact, that I became aware of what is normally not heard unless I’m in a meditative state of mind.

There is such a gift in complete silence… utter stillness… fully being present… I could hear the soft beat of my heart that drums to the beat of Mother Earth’s,… I could faintly hear the life-giving air flowing in and out of my lungs,… and I could hear Spirit communicating with me… my inner guidance. Everything looked and felt like a lucid dream, inducing a meditative state naturally, without even doing anything… simply being.

Hoarfrost-covered forest – photo by Lucille (c)

It’s in this state of complete stillness that we’re able to clearly receive guidance, answers, insights and experience big shifts of perspective. There are no distractions. We also perceive divinity intimately throughout all that exists, within and without.

Nowhere are the Divine’s miracles more apparent than in Nature. They’re always there for us to notice, appreciate and mirror to us our own miracle of being. The more we appreciate these miracles, the more miracles also appear in other areas of our life, consistently…

What we appreciate, appreciates…

With love and wonder-filled spirit,




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  1. Oh ‘Deer’… Lucille,

    with the gentleness of a deer and the strength of all life you come into my life to bring nature into my heart. I am in awe and divine delight about your sweet spirit and the beauty that you hold. Thank you for letting us see through your eyes – until we can see for ourselves. You are inspiring magical being, and in that I recognize you, soul sister!

    from my soul to yours,
