
Shine your brilliant diamond light!

My very first blog… it’s time to connect with each other!

To share who we truly are in our world, is the greatest gift we can give to each other – and ourselves. To not only acknowledge each others’ individuality, but to also accept it without judgement and celebrate it, is also showing appreciation for the Divine’s gift to us – life!

Each one of us is here for a reason. On “Global Oneness Day” two weeks ago, I shared the stage with others at an event in celebration of that day.  That morning, as I tuned in to the energies of that special day, I received a vision of what it means to be a Global (and Universal) family – which I shared with the crowd later that evening…

In my mind’s eye, I saw this beautiful vast field of pure white, freshly fallen snow, under a brilliantly shining sun. The snow was sparkling like radiant diamonds. With this vision, I also received this message… Each one of us is divinely magnificent and perfect, like the intricate, individual snowflakes. Yet, it’s when we connect with each other that our diamond souls truly shine with brilliant radiance – just like the dazzling field of interconnected snowflakes.

Brilliant Sun – photo by Lucille (c)

We are mirrors for each other, as well as students and teachers simultaneously. By interacting and connecting with each other, we learn more and more about ourselves. We’re able to refine our true essence, just like the carving of a diamond. The more facets we discover about ourselves and polish them through experience and expression, the more brilliant we shine. This not only affects our life in a very positive way, but our entire world. It’s our reason for being.

Connecting can feel intimidating and challenging for some – especially when we don’t feel that we “fit in”. I’ve learned that what feels the most challenging can become our greatest joy. For the longest time, I felt more at ease with Nature than with people. I’ve never had issues with making friends or meeting new people, but I could spend days without contact with anyone and feel perfectly happy. Spending time with people who didn’t really “get” me was draining (but it taught me valuable lessons).

When I started traveling to places that attracted me and networking online with those I resonated with, it changed everything for me. I was suddenly exposed to a wide variety of people without obligation, and I got to sense who I resonated with and deepened those connections. After some time of this, it evolved into attending live events that resonated with me.

Radiant Sun through Galt Island trees – photo by Lucille (c)

When I started meeting like-hearted people from my “Soul Family”, I understood energy and the law of attraction on a whole new level. What a divinely perfect system – interconnectedness through energy! What we radiate from within resonates at a frequency that broadcasts without barriers. It’s the key to everything we experience and everyone we encounter. My journey with energy started a long time ago, but it keeps deepening as I evolve and I absolutely love it.

Our souls want to evolve and in doing so, they shine brighter. Each of our paths are as unique as we are. It’ important to honour that and avoid comparing. What we each have to offer the world – our qualities, skills, talents, gifts – is priceless. No matter what we do, when we do what we’re the best at and do it with love, we light up the entire world (Earth and beyond). Everyone benefits from that – more than what we can even imagine!

As I’ve accepted the opportunities that present themselves on my journey (especially those challenging me to stretch beyond my comfort zone!), the rewards keep exceeding my wildest dreams. I’m seeing this with so many people… it’s a very exciting time to be alive!

Bimini Dolphin & Lucille connection ~ photo by Lisa Denning (c)

It’s time to be who we TRULY ARE, CONNECT with each other and SHINE our exquisitely Divine radiant lights!

With love and wonder-filled spirit,




    Leave a Reply to Georgina Cancel reply

  1. A beautiful expression of you, thanks for sharing and look forward to reading more of your adventures. Keep shining! (((hugs and love)))