
Play with your energy!

Everything that exists is energy. By now, it’s a well known fact. Science can measure it with all sorts of specialized tools – even the energy fields of our brains and hearts.  Did you know that our heart’s energy field is stronger and bigger than that of our brain’s?

When we start our day filled with negativity, the entire day seems to revolve around that, especially if the words “It’s going to be one of those days!” are uttered. That becomes a powerful intention, especially when combined with negative emotions.

No matter what’s going on with my life, I start every single morning with a personal “love & gratitude” ritual where I express my deepest love and appreciation to All and combine these emotions with every word I express. This sets the tone for the rest of my day and the results always astound me. Consistency adds power to this.

Heart-shaped prickly pear cactus – photo by Lucille (c)

If you’re desiring to shift things in your life for the better, start with simply expressing appreciation in the morning for just one thing you’re grateful for in your life –  even before you get out of bed. Add love to this gratitude by feeling it as you think or speak your appreciation. Notice how you feel afterwards also. This will turn into a beautiful routine that takes less than a minute – but sets the tone for your day on a powerfully positive note.

When we express love and appreciation, we tune into the highest vibration of all and THAT has the power to shift things!

So I invite you to try it and see what happens…

With love and wonder-filled spirit,





    Leave a Reply to Tanya Cancel reply

  1. Namaste dearest Tanya, with love and appreciation.

  2. Lovely Leader Lucille,

    who would have thought that a cactus has a heart… and of course I mean the photo – not your fairy being. Someone so connected to earth and in tune with your Self. It is a delight to have you present in my space, if only through this post today. It still fills my room with the high frequency Presence that you hold.

    with gratitude for you in my life, my soul sister, ♥
