
Our moon intimately reminds us of our amazing true nature…

It’s easy to feel disconnected from our true nature when lifestyles include very little connection with Nature.

However, anyone who works with the public on a regular basis has most likely noticed the effects of full moons on people’s behaviours! There’s a direct relationship.

The moon continuously offers us a reminder that we’re intimately related to the cycles of Nature and lunar phases, regardless of our lifestyles. It reminds us that we are Nature ourselves. We can’t hide from the effects of the moon and other energies, for energy knows no boundaries. 

full moon Hawaii


Mother Earth is only one of countless celestial bodies. Whether we’re aware of it or not, the energy of celestial bodies affects one another, and everyone in that space.

Here on Earth we’re especially affected by those in our solar system. The ancient civilizations had a keen understanding of this and created the science of astrology from this awareness. Its accuracy is so impressive, it’s uncanny.

We’re not an Earth “bubble” separate from everything else in the universe, regardless of where we live.

Our beautiful moon reminds us of this.  

Since the moon started orbiting Earth, these two have had an intimate relationship that affects many aspects of our world as we know it.

The most obvious effect of the moon on Earth relates to water, on all levels, from the macro (Earth) to the micro (our bodies).

The Moon’s gravitational pull causes interesting shifts! The high and low tides occur twice a day for most of the planet. When the sun aligns with the moon, greater tides are created. A lesser known tidal effect also occurs within our planet. The records of seismologists show that more earthquakes occur when the moon is closest to Earth and within a day of a new or full moon.

When we consider that the average adult human body contains 65% water, it’s no wonder that the moon’s phases also affects us directly!

Research has shown that the moon affects the weather, plants and animal behavior (including humans).

One study looked at the combined rainfall records of over 1500 North American weather stations over a 50 year period. The amount of rainfall was heaviest a few days after both the new and full moons and lowest just before these. Other research has concluded the same.

People since ages past have followed the lunar cycles to determine the best time to plant seeds. Lunar phases affect all bodies of water on the planet, including the amount of moisture in the soil. Seeds absorb the most moisture when planted shortly before a full moon.

The feeding and mating habits of animals, especially aquatic dwellers like fish and amphibians like frogs, have been recorded to coordinate with the lunar cycles. This occurs worldwide.

When I volunteered in Costa Rica for three months in 2002, I personally observed that sea turtles came up on the beach to lay their egges in great numbers around a new moon, and rarely around a full moon.

For communities and people who are more aware of and align with the rhythms of Nature, women’s menstrual cycles tend to follow the moon’s phases. Our own tendencies for productivity, creativity, introversion and extraversion shift along with the different lunar cycles.

You might have noticed a very bright and beautiful moon in the night sky recently… and this particular one is potent with energy!

Not only do we have a full moon upon us, but also a full lunar eclipse.  

For many, the exact time of this full moon and lunar eclipse will be after midnight and into early Wednesday morning. It will be fully visible for those of us living in the Pacific and bordering regions of the Americas, Asia and Australia.

Nature continuously offers us ways to expand in multi-dimensional ways – to experience all aspects of ourselves. The energies offered by this full lunar eclipse will highly facilitate meditation, significant dreams and journeying within.

I invite you to take some time away from all activity to shift into a calm, receptive state so you can receive guidance or insights from your heart, your Higher Self, or Spirit Guides, during this lunar eclipse.

What is one small way that you can adjust your lifestyle to align more with your own natural rhythm in connection with Nature?


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille



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  1. Storm of Nature (;-D) says:

    Hi Lucille!

    One would probably think that I would have learned some of this stuff in school, but if I did, I don’t remember it!!!

    My non-moon-remembering-education leads me to ask you… what is a new moon? how often do we have a new moon?

    I’ve always wondered if women’s menstrual cycles followed the moon cycles!?!

    Do you know if men get all crazier (haha, I’m sure there’s a more appropriate word!), like women do, when it’s a full moon?

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog posts!

    • Hi Storm of Nature,

      Thank you for your inquiring comment – I’m more than happy to provide more information! 🙂

      The New Moon is actually quite interesting in how it has shifted on calendars from historical and nautical ones to the modern ones we typically see. In astrology, its the beginning of the moon’s cycle – the first phase of the moon when it’s in conjunction with the sun and invisible from earth. It is actually known as the “dark moon” and used to be displayed on calendars as such instead of “new moon”. But since this name seemed a bit “morbid” it was changed. Outside the astrological community, many consider the new moon to be when it appears as a slender crescent in the sky – when it is first visible. Different cultures use the crescent or the dark moon to mark this phase. Some use the lunar calendar and thus, the New Moon marks the beginning of each month.

      The New Moon occurs generally every 29 days but the exact interval between them varies for a lot of scientific reasons I won’t get into. Women’s bodies can be very attuned to the lunar cycles when not influenced by artificial hormones to regulate their cycles and so it’s common for women with natural cycles to flow with the moon’s cycles.

      Full Moons definitely affect people (regardless of gender), like all other beings on Mother Earth, and how people feel its effect is very individual as well as noticeable.

      Hope this answers your questions! 🙂

      Lucille DancingWind