
Miracles are LOVE, not a mystery…

Divine love, which is the highest frequency of energy in the Universe, makes everything possible. When we align ourselves with it, and believe or know that anything is possible… we open our life to infinite possibilities, including miracles.

We can all feel whether energy is “heavy” or uplifting, but don’t necessarily realize it’s due to different frequencies. We just know how it affects us. Higher frequencies feel good to us and promote well-being, while lower frequencies don’t.

The higher the degree of love we feel, the more beneficial it is for us on all levels and for those who come into contact with us.

Heart stone with Daisies – photo by Lucille (c)

I’ve been on the path of higher frequency energy all my life. I’ve always had an innate sense of loving appreciation – especially for the natural world. Simply feeling and expressing this energy consistently, raised my frequency. I didn’t realize this when I was a child – it was part of my nature.

As my journey has evolved and deepened with all that exists, so has the love that I experience. The more I deepen my commitment to experiencing sacred love as a conscious practice, the more miracles occur as a result. The seemingly logically impossible becomes a natural part of life when our energy is at a high frequency.

Our Divine origins make it so. Divine love is our natural state of being. We feel it in the energy of a newborn baby and the beauty of Nature. Their connection with our Divine source is so tangible, so direct and pure, that we feel wonderful in their presence. All newborns, flowers, trees, butterflies, etc, radiate divinity and are magnetic to us. Life itself is a miracle.

Monarch on Blazingstar – photo by Lucille (c)

In Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life ~ Volume 2” he states beautifully how “True love has no limits“. I quote, “In the late ’80s we did research to see if all healers might have something in common. We looked at many healers, most of whom used different forms or techniques. Just about every technique of healing known was present. Hands-on healers, psychic surgeons, Reiki masters, prana healers, medicine men and women, shamans… and so on were all present. We studied the energies coming off their bodies…  This was the one aspect that was the same in each of these healers, at least while they were healing. They were centered in… the primary chakra of universal unconditional love! … The healer’s love for that person heals, not their knowledge. … Healing people, healing villages or healing the entire planet is all the same. The only difference is simply the greater degree of love.”

Just imagine if we all felt self-love and love for others, human and non, to a degree closer to Divine love… And imagine if we, as a global family, focused this love in unity with the intention to heal our world… knowing that anything is possible

Just imagine…

With love and wonder-filled spirit,





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  1. Your post LUCILLE, is really well written and insightful. Glad I found your website, warm regards from Nerissa!

  2. Thank you for this inspiration, Lovely Lucille. This is so filled with love and possibility and re-membrance of Spirit. Reading your posts leave me with a whole-body-smile.


    oxox Tanya