
Any space can be sacred (even your car’s)…

Sacred space is like a vortex that emanates a higher frequency in our environment.

Regardless what environment we’re in, whether a room in a home, an office at a workplace, an automobile, a garden,… we can create sacred space within it that nurtures us on a spiritual level.

It’s a physical representation of what resonates with our divine heart and soul, so that our minds can align with our spiritual nature and what’s beyond the physical.

It reminds us that we’re so much more than just our physical bodies, minds and circumstances.

altar car sacred space

Ever since I was little, I’ve been creating altars. I had no idea of course, that there was a word for those.

I simply enjoyed collecting things from Nature and images that really lit up my heart and spirit, and placed them on a dresser or nightstand in my bedroom. I did so in a way that looked beautiful to me and they changed over the years. Whenever I saw these special items and was in the presence of these small spaces, I felt uplifted and inspired.

When I was called by the land of Alaska and my heart this past spring, I knew I had to drive the 4,500+ km from central Manitoba, Canada all the way to Anchorage, Alaska. Not a small journey!

It was obvious that I would be spending a lot of time in my car every day (12-14 hours!). While I had created a special dream-catcher for it when I’d purchased it in 2011, I felt that a little altar would enhance the sacred space I’d created. It would also provide greater visual reminders that I wasn’t alone – I had Spirit supporting, guiding and protecting me.

For this altar, I simply chose my favourite mini crystals, stones and statuettes, including a spiral seashell eagle (from the Zuni in Arizona) and a feather I found on my path before leaving on this long journey. They represented all my spirit guides, including archangels, ascended masters, deities, elementals and power animals.

When I found myself in absolute solitude for thousands of kilometers at a time, up in the mountains without a cell phone signal and horrendous road conditions (that claimed many motorists’ tires, but thankfully not mine!), I was so grateful for my mind’s visual reminder that I had support beyond the physical plane. I not only made it to Anchorage safely and feeling energized, but also within only 4 days of driving!

Sacred spaces don’t have to be something elaborate. Just hanging a very special image on the wall can transform a space into something sacred for us. The intention in our hearts and choosing items that fully resonate with us at our divine cores, is enough.

Of course, the more attention and care we put into such a space, the greater the energy it will emanate. It’s all very individual and what comes from our loving hearts is always perfect for us.

Every personal space we immerse ourselves into, can be sacred if we choose for them to be so.

Looking at your personal environment, what could you add to a space so it would feel like it has a greater sacred connection with your divine spirit?


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille


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  1. Hey Lucille!

    So happy I came across your blog! I love what you wrote and really resonate with your perspective-! Is there a way for me to embed this on my website so that visitors can link back to you and your lovely website?
    not seeing an option,

    let me know thank you 🙂


    • Hello Beautiful Jasmine,

      Thank you so much for your wonderful sharing in your heartfelt response! 🙂

      Feel free to share my blog post link and other website links (I don’t think you can “embed” it as you can with videos).

      It’s always a great joy for me to be of service through resonance! 🙂 ♥ Thank you for taking the time to reach out.

      With Much Love, Appreciation & Blessings!
      Lucille DancingWind ♥ XO