

I feel sooooo TRULY BLESSED!…

This perfect-for-me house and Nature property that I’ve called home for almost two years, were such a Divine miracle with Divine timing…

I will always feel absolute awe and appreciation for how it all suddenly appeared in my life…

AND… as if THAT wasn’t enough of a miracle, I also received the most wonderful neighbours I could EVER have desired – one of my dearest Soul Sisters, Georgina, and her dear family, including their two beautiful daughters Lauren and Cassie…

They have been such a gift and joy in my life. Lauren and Cassie… always so loving and bubbling with life, curiosity and wonder,… never tiring of sharing stories about their experiences, wildlife, Faeries and Nature with me… and wanting to know more about my own experiences involving the Elementals, all Nature beings, Weather elements, and travels…

We’ve had so much fun together, and visiting with them tonight, I can’t believe how much they’ve grown since we first met!…

This photo (combining their best poses!), was taken one night last Summer when they invited me to join them to look for Faeries in the forest… and we dressed up for the occasion! The moon was shining bright and we walked the trails, ever so watchful for Elementals. We saw many twinkly Fae lights as well as glorious lightning in a distant Thunderstorm, and heard the magickal call of a whip-poor-will bird nearby… We then sat between the many wonderful gardens Georgina created and stayed up late outside, sharing all sorts of stories and laughter!…

Such priceless memories…

Georgina, Lauren, Cassie, and the rest of your dear family… will always have a very special place in my heart… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,


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  1. Such beautiful fairy princesses and queens ☆✩☆✩★✫✵✧✩☆

    I love your stories and the two fairies on the photo are just stunning. I hope, they – and you – will never allow anyone to chisel away your beautiful light.

    in all fairy-ness and with much love,
    magical & moving,

    miracle vortex ☆ Tanya ☆✩

    • Dearest Radiant Tanya,

      Thank you for all that you shared – it goes straight to my heart…

      Yes, aren’t they so beautiful?! What a privilege it is to know them… we enchant each other!

      Much love,

      Lucille ♥