
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 33 of 33)

The glorious Rainbow… it certainly felt like a day infused with its magick, beauty, high frequency and inspiration…!

Last night it seemed like I had one long dream from the moment I fell asleep to when I opened my eyes this morning… and in this dream I had the Elementals keeping me company in different places of beautiful Nature, with pure joy and awe…

I feel such a special kinship with the Elementals, and Rainbows have always felt very special to me… like a guiding sign on my path… even as far back as Kindergarten, it’s what I painted the most!… and when I purchase a crystal, I always discover a Rainbow in it!… they always seem to find me…

So I was quite delighted to have a day FILLED with rainbows after such a wonder-filled dream state last night! I felt the Elementals winking at me with every new Rainbow I discovered!… on a glass in the kitchen, in bubbles over my brown rice as it cooked, on the sparkles of the snow during my hike, on old spider threads outside one of the house windows, on my ipod screen indoors… even on the scotch tape as I worked on a project!… now I know adhesive tape can create Rainbows also!…

They had such a strong presence today and I feel so blessed! What a perfect way to conclude this 33 days of daily miracles!… ♥
With love and wonder-filled spirit,


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  1. Hi Lovely Leader Lucille,

    what a rainbow filled story. I love it… and guess, where you will be immersed in rainbows everywhere… on Kaua’i!!!! Of course!

    ☆ ☀ ☁ ♡

    I have never seen so many magnificent ones, often double – once even triple – and one up in the Koke’e mountain was a double circular rainbow. You are being cell-ebrated my dear Rainbow Lucille. You yourself are one 🙂

    Thank you for your very inspiring 33 day miracle journey. I loved it, and as I said, I feel guided to keep up this great idea in all kinds of variations as you sure will, too… e.g. gratitude, love letters, things we love, beauty, one, nature, performance, anything that we choose to focus on and GROW, because that’s what this does: It GROWS not only the awareness of it, but also the PRESENCE of what we focus on. It literally multiplies.

    Lucille, my dear soul sister, I told you you were an incarnated elemental (among other star filled things!) and I so appreciate your sacred earth connection.

    thank you for being in my life, Lucillinsky,

    oxoxo Tanya ☆✩

    • Dearest Tanya,

      Thank you so much, from my heart to yours, for everything you expressed… It fills me with joy to know how much you enjoyed this 33 day cycle of featured miracles! I appreciate you.

      I feel Rainbows are so sacred (pure light!) so to be called one is such a very special compliment… also ‘incarnated Elemental’ is a joy to hear! We are of the same Tribe, Soul Sister. Thank you for shining as you do!

      lots of love to you,
      Lucille ♥