
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 15 of 33)

I always marvel at the perfect masterpieces found throughout Nature… some obvious, some not so obvious. Hoarfrost is probably my favourite phenomenon of the Winter season… it transforms everything into crystalline beauty.

While everything covered in hoarfrost is awe-inspiring from a distance, looking at it up close is even more “wow”…

The most intricate little crystals cover the fine branches, seeds and dried grasses, in lace-like formations… and depending on various factors, the crystals form in different shapes.

It’s such a wonder to see moisture take these beautiful crystalline forms… miraculous manifestations… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,


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  1. Wonder-filled as always – and I learned a new word: ‘hoarfrost’ – never heard it before, but then again, it’s not a word that is used that often. Gorgeous image.

    I so love the way you see the world, Lucille,
    and I am grateful that you share it so beautifully,

    with royal muse magic,

    ☆ Tanya ☆✩