

There’s something so awe-inspiring about birds of prey…

I love all birds, and different types invoke different emotions within me. When I encounter a bird of prey (including Eagles, Owls, Hawks, Vultures, Falcons – especially the larger of their species), I am simply in awe…

Masters of the skies as they soar and hunt in silence, and of sight with greater perspective…

They exhibit prowess, grace and balance of life between Earth and Sky. They invoke in me a special kind of respect and admiration.

Here on the Big Island of Hawai’i, I’ve had the privilege of unexpected close encounters with the only species of endemic owl (Pueo) at dusk after a hike, and the only species of endemic hawk (‘Lo) at dawn as I started a hike… and I’ve also seen a soaring pair that I couldn’t identify and a soaring Golden Eagle… truly majestic! I feel so blessed… ♥

(This photo is of a gorgeous Red-Tailed Hawk that was taken last Summer in central Canada – it visited my bird bath for a while giving me the opportunity to fully enjoy its presence!)


With love and wonder-filled spirit,


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  1. They just know their kindred spirits, don’t they?

    They can sense your pure energy and your love for them, that’s why they feel so safe so close. Thank you for modeling how to be that living appreciation – in love and deep connection to the masters of the skies, earth, the winds, and the sea.

    bowing down to you with a smile,
    your sharings deLight me…

    ☆✩ Tanya ✩☆