

My day started with the sighting of a beautiful snow-white hare feeding on fallen pinecones in the yard, very close to the window. In almost two years of living here, that’s one animal I hadn’t seen on this property yet – it felt like a blessing as my time here comes to a full cycle…

I had a big “to do” list planned for today… but a website glitch required that I go to a post office in person to make certain changes.

So… I figured I’d make the most of it!

Since I had to drive a good distance to that post office, I brought my check list of things I eventually needed to do and get in the city, and ended up having a very magickal and productive day in a completely different way than I’d planned!…

Amazingly, I received a discount of some sort in every store I needed to get something from, including for my groceries (10% off or 10x airmiles) and health food store items ($10 off, thanks to my accumulated points)! I was also able to check off everything on my list while staying in the same area of the city – wonderful!

I’ve learned to “go with the flow”, especially when plans change…

We just never know what magickal miracles this new direction might divinely co-create when we go with it – weaving the threads of our magnificent life… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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