
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Love-green orb and northern lights…

Ah, the beautiful and mysterious (or not so mysterious) orbs that appear around us, usually visible only through a camera but can also be seen without at times…

I don’t typically carry my camera with me in Nature, but two days ago I brought it to take a photo of a newly sprouted little leaf I noticed in a trail… I also felt guided to just take ‘random’ photos of the forest, with no particular focus in mind, so I did…

When I looked at my photographs later on, I noticed something I never had before… a luminescent green orb, the shape of a hexagon in most of the forest images! It was also the only one present.

I’ve seen many orbs as circles, pentagons and hexagons, and in many different colours, but this is the first time I see one this beautiful green! What’s even more amazing is that on that night, glorious luminescent green northern lights appeared! They were unusually very early (around 7:30pm) and danced in the sky for hours… they were still visible when I went to sleep around 1am!… I hadn’t seen these auroras for a year or two!… They and the orb felt like such a gift!…

I’ve included a photograph I took in which I also show a close-up of the orb in the top right corner.

I’ve personally always associated the luminescent green colour of the auroras with the pure love energy of the heart chakra and use those images whenever I create art depicting the heart. Then when I was in Hawaii last year for a few months, the hexagon showed up literally on my finger a s a mysterious mark, leading me to discover it’s an ancient symbol for the heart (and it has shown up in various ways ever since)…

It feels like such a love blessing to see this beautiful hexagon orb that kept me company during my hike, the same colour of the northern lights that happened to show up that same day…! Wow… the divinity of life continues to amaze me… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,


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  1. Most Magnificent Lucille,

    I love your orb and your article. Did you notice the little baby orb on the stem of the very first tree to the left a little under the ‘horizontal imagined line of the square’? It’s of the same green color.

    thanks for sharing your awe and amazement,

    xx Tanya