Wildlife's incredible hardiness... In central Canada, we're experiencing the second coldest winter in 120 years...! I certainly believe it, from the absolutely freezing cold temperatures that have lingered for over a month now... For example, -31 C (with the wind it feels like -41 C). What truly amazes me is that regardless of this deep freeze, I still have the pleasure of seeing Ravens, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Chickadees and Redpolls (like the one in the photo) flying and calling through … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2014
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The splendour of crystals above and below... I've always loved and been fascinated by crystals... whether those that form below, within Mother Earth's nurturing body, or above on her beautiful surface... These treasures blossom under just the right, divinely orchestrated conditions, and produce countless varieties... Those below Earth's surface create every colour of the rainbow and beyond. They withstand extreme conditions such as immense pressure and heat that gift us their gloriously … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Animal Spirit Guides... Raven was with me again, through another snow storm!... Whether we're aware of it or not, Spirit is always supporting us on our paths in various ways... One of them is through Spirit Guides. Since we're all familiar with animals and we have an affinity for them, Spirit Guides often show up as these wise beings, either physically or through images, words, symbols, etc. These Spirit Guides offer us wise teachings. They reflect aspects of ourselves and our paths … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Ancient symbol of the heart... Love was soooo palpable as everyone around the world welcomed the new year!... When I was in Hawaii for 3 months last year, something peculiar happened to me... I woke up one morning in June with a perfect hexagon mark on my index finger!... It looked like a birth mark but just appeared as though it was stamped there 'out of the blue'... During some research for my book, I unexpectedly discovered that the hexagon is an ancient symbol for the heart...! To … [Read more...]