Nature's teachings... What we admire, notice or are attracted to in Nature can teach us a lot about ourselves. It can reflect different aspects of our personal essences and guide us. Trees, flowers, stones, animals, clouds, etc... all have their own folklore, symbology and "medicine" known throughout many cultures around the world. For the purpose of this post, I'll mention only a few simple ones and invite you to think about your own personal interpretations based on your sense of … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2013
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... It's always a matter of perspective. The call of a raven might sound beautiful to one, and sound aweful to another. The appearance of a tree frog on a window might be cute to one, and be repulsive to another. The sensation of the wind on one's skin might feel delightful to one, and uncomfortable to another. We always choose how we experience our world through our personal perspective - and it's very individual. As an example, I'm featuring the … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The BEE... Without the wonderful little beings that we know as bees, our world wouldn't be the one we know... They pollinate so many plants that produce our food, herbs and medicinal plants, it would be a sad world indeed without these hard workers... They are also alchemists... producing honey from nectar... what the ancient Greeks called the "food of the gods"... They are also amazing engineers, using sacred geometry to create the cells of their hives in the form of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sacred teachings... We all learn through observation and experience. As children, our interactions with our environment and others leave the greatest impressions that influence us as adults... I feel blessed to have grown up in the country... my pre-teen years on a dairy farm handed down through generations, and my teen years on a bison ranch. Through family members and Nature, I learned so much, including... The miracles and beauty of all life... The rewards of treating all beings … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our sacred garden in the universe... I just spent some time star-gazing... it's a cool and calm night with a crystal clear sky... so perfect, it's amazing that it's All Soul's Night and no snow... The stars, planets and Milky Way are so brilliant, it simply leaves me in absolute awe... So many things are just impossible to describe... not even photographs or words can capture how much those experiences move us at the level of our hearts and souls... We feel it within... Gazing up at … [Read more...]